I’m two weeks into NC, and I’m going crazy. I keep running all these scenarios through my head, as to how things are going to go. I’m also kind of nervous.
I don’t think she’s expecting me to text her again, but who knows. I just don’t want to mess this up. I talked to a friend about this and she told me the same thing this site said to do.
What ever you do… keep No Contact.
Im 4 days in for the second time.
I F@ked up big time… no contact for 16 days then i contacted her…yes she responded with anger and took my power away. I can understand wanting to contact but your just giving them power to do what they want… stay strong as and chin up
I’m about a month in and I’ll try to initiate contact soon so I’m super nervous too but give it your best. Be honest with yourself and your ex. If it all goes to shit then at least you know you tried everything:) good luck!
I agree, you shouldn’t over-do the contacting which would be excessive and smothering. Try not to think ahead as it doesn’t do any good! Just take one day at a time and focus on yourself for now.
Good luck and stay strong…