Hello everyone, I’m in the middle of a reconcilation progress and definitely need some tips and advices now before I mess up for good.
My wife left me after 12 years after we were fighting all the time only. It was a really really bad breakup with all mistakes you can do. She was sure she wants a divorce. It’s 7 months now and we both had a no contact period for around 2 months in which both slept with someone else. So we’re even. No new partner.
3 months ago my wife called me and cried she’s scared in loosing me forever, we talked a lot since and had the talking what went wrong. We lived together again for around 6 weeks with distance and helped each other out and got back to having a friendly relationship with us laughing a lot. I made a mistake again here with pushing to far, result in her crying again and showing she’s to hurt still for anything more.
I’m sure I still love her after I reflected everything. I’m not sure about her still.
We’re living seperated again to calm down.
She asked me if I’m ok with this:
She wants to stay in contact, so we’re writing daily. She wants to have a phone call almost each day to see how we’re doing. She don’t want anymore relationship / divorce talks for now. She wants me to stay in contact with her parents again.
She made me 1-2 presents and is ok with us meeting or going somewhere in the future. She shows a lot that she cares. I wrote her letters at the beginning she won’t read and told me she wants to read them now.
At the moment our contact is good, we’re just having a fun time I would say and help each other out.
So here is what I’m worried about. I don’t want this end in a friendship. I told her I’m not interested in us becoming friends only so she know. I hope this was no mistake yet. And I’m not sure I can take another messy breakup again.
How should I go on with this? Give her space again to heal her wounds and go on with us just having fun together? If I push to early or try something it might end for good. What are your thoughts on the signs she sends me here?
Ty for any advice.