It’s like this, I don’t actually know when me and my girl broke up!!
She said on the Thursday she was thinking about us splitting due to her 9 year old son being unhappy with us being together.
On the Saturday she invited me over and I stayed over
It wasn’t until the following week having texted back and forth, nothing miserable mostly jokey stuff, that she told me we were friends nothing more. The following weekend she tells me she’s seeing someone else!! I only lost it as I was drunk and fed up with finding this out by text. I told her so and was rude, I apologised for being rude the following afternoon and we shared an in joke.
Not contacted her since, a week now, should I send a ‘clean slate’ text or just leave it now for the full 30 days?
I’m not missing her already, I’ve been out and about and let her know via Fb updates, I’ve unfollowed her so don’t see what she posts, not sure she’s tech savvy enough to do the same LOL
My take is that we never argued, I didn’t suck up or agree with everything she said, we had constant banter. Was her son just an excuse?
Advice anyone?
Ok an update.
I did the week of no contact then sent the ‘clean slate’ via text as that was our most used form of communication. She replied that she was glad I was ok, I didn’t reply immediately, this was followed by her asking what learning mean’t. I replied to both texts the following morning before starting no contact. The reply was “Why wouldn’t I be ok? What are you the learning police? Ha ha” a form of in joke we had. She didn’t reply to it. Did I screw up with the joke?
I’ve invoked no contact, I’m on day two and feel stronger already.
I would really appreciate an opinion from someone on this though, thanks.
No u didnt mess anything. But it kind of gave her the impression that u are still trying…
I would stop it and focus on myself. Believe in urslef. I think thats the most important thing.
I am sure if/when u read ur posts 1-2 years from now, you will wonder why u contacted someone who lied to you and started a new relationship before having a closure with u.
(I think her son was a cover up)
The “learning police” comment was a little sarcastic, but probably no harm done. Okay, you let her know about the “clean slate” thing, so maybe someday if she breaks up with the other guy, she might want to start over with you. But you should really move on with your own life and not give her a second thought.
PS: How do you insert the tiny smiley face thing on these notes? Thanks
Thanks guys appreciate it ?
Patricia12, I use an iPad and it is an emoji keypad that I used ?