My girlfriend broke up with me a week ago and after reading the suggestions on this site about the no contact rule, i was thinking on starting using this technique as soon as possible , today is feb 10th, but valentines day is only 4 days away. I wonder if this will do more damage to my situation since my ex knows i never forget special dates , she might expect a happy valentines day message or some flowers and a small gift as i used to give her on previous yrs… should i proceed with the no contact rule no matter what? Or make an exception n get her some flowers at least??
Thanks in advance for the help
Continue no contact, no matter what. Valentines day won’t mean so much now that you two broke up. There are birthdays and other holidays ahead if you two reconcile.
Literally in the same boat. My ex broke up with me 10 days ago and I just want to message him on Valentine’s day or him message me to take me out or something