My ex bf and I broke up 1 month ago today. We were living together/together for almost 2 years, I came home to a typed letter stating things were over because he was unhappy. A few days later he came home and we discussed things. He was away for a work party which I was suppose to go with him. I didn’t agree with this break up but tried to stay calm and collected, I wasn’t able to move out until 4 days later. He was so nice that first night, kept checking on me? The rest of the time he was cold and mean. That friday,I moved. Later that night he texted me “goodbye”. I didn’t respond. Three days later I got another text about an expensive bike I had left at our place. We never talked about it so I left it bc I didn’t want it to be an issue. Well he was upset I didn’t take it as it was a gift. I said I’d pick it up but no response. That’s been since Nov 19th, I have not contacted him in any shape or form. We were still friends on FB until today (dec 9), mind you he had me restricted as well as I did. My question is; is there still a chance and I should just keep NC? Or is he just completely uninterested in me? I am trying my best to move on regardless but I’m so heartbroken as this blindsided me.
Hey Angel,
So based on what you have down for us it seems like the NC could be affecting him in a way, I’m sure that there is still a chance if he made the effort to delete you off of Facebook after an entire month showing that he still thinks of you. I’m not a professional but I’m going through the same thing with my ex girlfriend, aside from the deleting part, where I was also blind sided and left heartbroken as well. That being said I’ve used every bit of information that the internet has to offer and deleting someone from social media is an apparent sign that they are still thinking of you(not that we can confirm what the other person is thinking of course). The fact that you feel you should give up could just be based on your instincts telling you so but your instincts could be wrong. The NC rule is supposed to be a very long process depending on how good your relationship was, and how long it was it could affect the time period differently. If you two spent that much time together it’ll take a while for him to actually get over you (if he even does), because for the last two years he has had you with him and so now that he doesn’t if you pull back I’m sure eventually he will actually message you first out of curiosity. I’m not a professional just regurgitating whatever information I have found (also basing it on a past experience I had when I broke up with an ex girlfriend before). Good luck to you.