NC is hard

Try not to dwell on how things happened nor why… You’re just hurting yourself. You need to heal from this and figure out if your ex is worth it. We’ve been there for these men and have stuck through thick and thin… now look at where we are. We need to focus on us. On smiling, laughing, being healthy… becoming a better version of us

I just went on … I guess you could call it a date… and the entire time I just wished I was at home… It didn’t feel right. It felt wrong. I didn’t feel comfortable. Idk what to do! I’m ready to message him and tell him I love him and that I’ll wait for him but then I know I need to respect myself. This whole time concept is so hard because I have this need to solve problems right away… I need to breathe… relax… He told me he loved me yesterday… I’m hoping all we need is time… Some space…

Space will be good for both of you. If he still says he loves you, I’m sure he will still haven’t moved on after the no contact. He still cares about you, it’s hard to get over someone when you have been together that long and even been each others best friends. That’s what I think about with my problems. Even though my and my ex were together for almost 9 months, we were always together, it almost felt like 2 years because there is so many memories.

About almost 2 weeks into my break up he told a friend of mine that he moved on already and doesn’t want to be mean to me. He is super stubborn so that’s what makes me feel like he will never want anything with me again. But we had so many memories together.

I am doing really better today, I started eating like I was with my ex. I actually am craving food instead of dreading the idea of having to eat.

Hi, its been a few days now and I was just wondering how you both were doing

Hey Catherine,

I’m well. I’m on day 10 of NC now and although it’s still hard, I’m no longer feeling he urge to contact my ex all the time. I miss him very much but I now know that distance is the best thing.

Every day it hurts a little bit less, which is reassuring!

I’m starting to see a therapist and doing yoga, and focusing in myself right now. I still have hope for my relationship, but each day that hope is turning into a more realistic expectation where I might not get him back, and every day I’m a little more okay with that.

How are you doing?

Today is 3 weeks since he has ended things. A while ago I felt okay with things since I was following the no contact. But a couple days ago I was with a friend and she was showing me year books and he happened to go to her middle school and I saw his face in it. When I did I was so close to taking a picture of it and sending it to him because I felt like I was still with him, then it all hit me.

That’s probably the worst part of this. I still feel like we are together sometimes cause of all the memories we share together, and then I remember that we aren’t together anymore. After that day I have been seeing his face on social media a lot, I almost even ran into him at the school by accident and it really was by accident.

His car was parked right by the front door and it was still running, but he wasn’t inside of it or no where near the fronts doors of the school. I was so scared to see him, but after that I wish he would’ve saw me because I was truly happy that morning.

After I have been seeing his face everywhere, and remembering how I have 9 days until no contact can be over, I start to feel like how you do. I feel like my hope for us getting together is turning into expecting him to never want me again. But I still want him, after all what happened to make us break up was partially my fault.

I’m trying to think of things I will say to him after these 9 days are over that will make him want to respond to me.

I know this is very lengthy but this is just how my last few days have been

Hey ladies,

So Im new to this and I’m on day 2 of NC. I was with him for 7 yrs and 6 months we were engaged but not even for 1 yr. He broke up with me on my Bday weekend and I am extremely heartbroken. He has been so mean to me after our break up. When in the beginning I sent him 1 long text telling him I would wait for him because he is the love of my life and he didn’t reply. He told me he broke up with me because he loved me but wasn’t in love with me, and I treated him bad because of my mouth. Not even a week after the break up he took a girl to the movies and now they are going out. I had seen him behind her bad and we ended up sleeping together. He told me he wants to be with but doesn’t want to hurt me again and he misses,cares, and loves me. But then he would tell me he doesn’t know what he’s doing with his life because hes confused on what he wants. He told me he wants us both. So thats when I decided to do the NC. After I told him I neede space and time he sent me a long text saying that he hopes I can forgive him one day for all the pain he has caused and that Im a great woman and he is so grateful to met me he will never forget me I will always have a piece of his heart. I didnt reply and the next day he took the stereo system out of my truck because he paid for it and he told me he hopes I dont tell his girl about what we did. That broke my heart more because I was like how could he care so much about her feelings and not mine.

Hi, I know how you are feeling when you said he cares about her feelings more than yours. Right now he probably just doesn’t want her to leave him because she is his distraction. Guys are very different from girls and that happens to be one of the dumb things guys will do after a break up.

My ex yelled at me 2 days after our break up because I supposedly said mean things about him to one of my ex best friends and she told him. He cared about her feelings more than mine after we shared all of those memories together. That’s just their way of coping with a break up.

Your ex is just with that girl because he doesn’t want to be a reminded of you. My ex blocked me on everything, and I’m hoping it was to suffocate his feelings. But you and your ex were together for a very long time so you have a good chance of him coming back.

Hi, Yeah I know hes trying to use her to forget about me but it hurts because I told him that I would be willing to forgive and forget to be with him. He also would tell me that she doesnt pay him any attention that she doesnt hang out with him so I would think maybe if I give him attention he will realize that I’m the one that has always been there for him even after he broke my heart. He blocked me on all social media but I think that better becauss if not I would just be checking all his stuff all the time. I just hope in this NC he realizes what hes lost and come back. My goal in this NC is that I heal from this situation and I start feeling better about myself. But Im hoping he comes back. He also told me that his mom had told him I had a new BF because I have her on Facebook and I shared a video and tagged a guy friend and he said he was enraged and he told me if you ever start talking to a guy and you think you guys are going to work let me know so I can start hating you. I told him you have someone else and I dont hate you. Idk whats wrong with him he confuses me its like hes playing mind games with me.