NC but she texted me last night.. This hurts so much plz help!

My ex and I broke up a couple times the past month and since then she has slept with someone but then admitted she made a huge mistake. I told her I could forgive her and that I wanted to be back she said no that she doesn’t kno what she wants in life after telling me the past year that she wants a huge commitment from me and I have told her that in good time those commitments will happen. I blocked her on all social media but I do know she still has all of our pics still up. Last night she texted me a picture of is having fun and that caption said I love him so much and I don’t kno where’d I’d be with out him followed by a long text which says…" I don’t know why I saw this picture tonight. But I do know I wish we could go back to the beginning. I’m so sorry for everything that is happened. All I have ever wanted was for you to be happy. I’m so sorry for texting you good night. I will always love you to the moon and back enough to hope that one day you will be happy. But right now I know that is not with me. So I wish you the best I wish you someone who will treat you amazingly It will make you wake up and thank God for that person. I really hope you find true happiness. Because you are an amazing person and deserve someone just as amazing as you are. I’m so sorry that right now I cannot be that person for you. Good night."… End quote… I’m still in NC but this is hard. Does that text mean she might still wanna work things out but she did say that she wasn’t the one or whatever but I’m soo confused I just wanna go back to when we first started dating it’s much easier lol… Do you still think we have a chance???

Do you think we still have chance and should I call or text her back? Or is 30 days still the minimum here since she texted me that. And what if she calls or texts me in the near future

If I do no contact will she miss me even though we are long distance