NC and birthdays

I have a kind of difficult situation.
The main question is if I should text my ex happy birthday if I am doing no contact.
But I think that the background story is kind of important in this scenario.
Well. My ex broke up with me on May. In the other half of April he came back saying how much he missed me and stuffs like that. Well, it was amazing. I felt loved and we planned moving on together.
3 weeks ago he broke up with me again, under weird circumstances. I kind of did not even get it that we broke up. I called him week after and he said that it’s end.
And then I discovered that almost a month he was texting with other girl and that he slept with her two days after he broke up with me and that they are now together.

Now I don’t know what to do, because obviously he doesn’t care about me. I thought about applying the being there method but I think that I should start with the no contact rule. I am really confused there.
Can someone help me?
Am I supposed to do the NC rule? Should I wish him happy birthday?

Wishing happy birthday to your ex is appropiate if you two broke up on a good terms and you are aware that you should restrain to only wishing happy birthday, no further conversation. Otherwise, you should not do that.

But knowing your situation, you should do strict, indefinite NC rule. He needs to mature and stop treating you like a safety net and that will take time. A lot of time.

Do not text a happy birthday. He broke up with you twice and now he’s with someone else. Like Vladimir4 said, continue no contact indefinitely and move on for now…

You deserve much better!