We lived together for over 4 years but separated due to money, I told her to come back with me to my parents or go to hers, but she did not instead she moved in with her guy friend and his parents, the main difference is that I’m from the ghetto but the other guy from the suburbs, but I was under the impression that we were getting our money right so that, we could get back together but then all the sudden a year ago she stopped talking to me all together and basically dumped me. I just got a call from her the other day on my birthday and she tells me that she still loves me and wants to get back together because she has her money right and so do I but she says that her friend that she lives with is in love with her and because he has been helping her she has been going along with it but that he gave her an engagement ring and pretty much wants to get married to her. she tells me that she doesn’t love him but she loves me she doesn’t want a family with him. she says that in the future she would like to start again with me when I’m ready then she’ll dump the guy. Just need some advice I still do have feelings for her even though for the past year she’s been with another guy. We met up yesterday and had sex, help.
I dont know her but i can feel she is using bith of you. She is messing with both of your feelings. Besides can you trust a woman who is engaged to someone and is ready to dump him for u? Can you be sure she wouldn’t do this to you in future?
Can u look into my latest thread?
As a side note her and I have been together since 2000 and lived together on 3 separate occasions and the last was the longest 4+ years before she stopped talking to me for a year. She told me that the guy just gave her the ring just 2 months ago, but that she has no intention of marrying him. She says that she did not plan to live there that long and that she just got caught up in that situation, I told her I could not start up with her she is not singke,and then she said that if she has to move out to a room and live alone she would do it to get me back in the future. She sounds sincere but I have no way of knowing if she will really follow through with it, so I am thinking about doing NC for about a month to two months so that way perhaps she does follow through and if that’s the case and possibly just possibly I might have a feeling to truly reconcile with her. What do you think it sounds crazy, but I guess the only two options I have is to do NC and move on or do the NC and wait to see if she changes.
Umm. After reading this i would suggest you to do the NC.
Dont ask her to leave the guy and shift to a new place. Let her figure it out what is good for her. And i am sure when she will make the changes in her life, she will definitely tell you about these. Then wait for 2-3 days and then break the NC.
I think you will get her back but dont ask her to make those changes.
Go NC again. Good luck:)
Thanks for your post, I’m waiting for her to text me back when she does I’ll let her know that I need some space and not to contact me and then I’ll start the No Contact, I didn’t really tell her to leave the guy or move but she asked me how she can get me back I told her she has to show me that I can trust you in the future and her still being in a relationship is not showing me that, so of course if she doesn’t make the changes in the future I don’t see a future for us.
Plus she dropped a big one on me she told me that she wants to have children with me and a family with me, man this just compounds the situation, gosh.
Dont overthink. I think you should go NC wothout saying anything to her. IF you ll ask for some space she will think you ll contact her when you feel right. But if you wouldn’t say anything to her and disappear from her life, it will drive her crazy and she would constantly think over why you are doing this and may be then she will take a step
Sounds harsh but I guess that’s the same thing she did to me for an entire year, I’ll give it a try, but if I break I won’t go into specifics I’ll just tell her that I need space, period. Thanks again you’re so right I am over thinking it.