Recently, My Ex Girlfriend has broken up with me as she is scared she is going to hurt me, she cares about me & loves me deeply but she suffers from severe mental health, she has blocked me on social media leaving only her Facebook & number for me to access at the moment, we haven’t spoken since the day we broke up and I don’t know what to do, I want to get her back again and keep her forever, I know I must give her space to allow for that to happen but it is very hard and I don’t know what to say or do.
@ScarlettP12 How long was the relationship? When was the breakup?
Is she taking medication for the ‘severe’ mental illness?
If she asked for space, respect that! There’s not much you can do now except no contact and focus on yourself. Don’t agonize about what you might do or say! Be patient… do and think other things…