my ex replayed what does she mean???

I contacted my ex saying I was ready too talk again. When she is and well she response saying that she isn’t ready yet as she’s still not over me and needs some more a few more weeks.
She ended the relationship as she didn’t feel the same anymore and wasn’t in love with me so what does she me a. When she says that she’s not over me? And what should I do? I miss her terribly

By her saying shes not over you, do you think that she could maybe regret the breakup?

I’m not sure. Like one of the things she said when we broke up was that she didn’t want too lose me out of her life but she didn’t want to stay in a relationship as she didn’t feel the same anymore. So I really don’t know how’s she’s feeling.

I just wish I could text and ask if she’s having second thoughts and is regretting the break up.

Also like going into the break up she said that she was worried about making the wrong decision and stuff like that so she could be having second thoughts or regretting it. I just wish I knew what she was thinking.

My ex girlfriend said the same thing. Be patient with her. You contact her to much you’ll scare her off. Let her come to you. If she does contact you act like your doing good. She’s not over you means she is confused. She’s hurting as much as you. Part of her didn’t want to leave you but part of her did. Look back at the last month or two of your relationship. See if u can find things u did wrong. Were u distant? Did u argue? Find what u did wrong and don’t make that mistake with her or whoever u end up with

Thanks I will do that I will leave her too reply when she’s ready and I when she does I will just become friends again and if something happens then all is good but if not well at least we didn’t completely lose each other. But I will leave it up to her thanks :slight_smile: and well we didn’t fight or anything about the breakup I just respected her decision nothing else I could have done to be honest thanks I will definatly take that advice

I haven’t contacted my ex and now she calls me or texts me. We talked almost an hour and none of it was relationship stuff. Just good conversation. I think the bad stuff is starting to fade away and now its just slowly reconnecting. I didn’t fight my ex about are break up and understood it was something that might happen. The longer u don’t talk the more she’ll wonder what your doing and then she’ll call…guarenteed

Thanks I will keep not talking then its just so difficult when I miss her so much aswell like we were best friends before hand for at least a year before we got together. so it just feels like something is missing I would be happy enough if we just became friends again obviously I would prefer it if we got back together xD.

One thing I was wondering is on easter day do you think I should just send a simple text something like “Happy Easter cya soon” or would it be better just too not text? thanks