My Ex keeps Contacting me after No Contact Period.

My ex is texting me daily after I broke No Contact.

My gf left ne after 5 yrs & the breakup involved too much fighting & bad words.
I switched to 36 days No contact & texted her after that…She tried to contact me between No Contact period but I didn’t reply.

when I sent her the text we had a short conversation.
Now she keeps contacting me daily with some excuses.
I saw her at a public place today But she ignored me. Now she’s sending me texts & apologizing for ignoring me…she’s saying she couldn’t get the courage to look at me. What should I say? She knows I looked at her once. I have not replied to her texts…

You need start working not he false friendship, but you need to take it SLOW. Don’t say anything about her ignoring you, just send her a laid back simple, how is your day going text. Keep the convos short and relaxed :slight_smile: