I guess I am forcing myself to see the bright side of things. In reality, my gut instinct tells me that nothing will happen eventually - one additional detail is that I may need to move away for work purposes in a few months (not confirmed yet) and he knows it. He does not seem to be a fan of LDR from what I know about him. So I honestly do not expect much. Besides, we broke up last October, started talking again in February and things have been moving ahead at snail’s pace. Perhaps because he is thinking I will leave soon, no idea… It would not be realistic of me to expect a miracle in just a couple of months, right? As I said, at this point, I will do something if he does something first. If not, I will let it be…
Thanks for your kind words. It’s pretty hard to get the “emotional independence” you mentioned but not impossible. I am still learning every day, it’s a long, tedious process.
U are on the right path to a great attitude laurah. And I too can relate to how hard it is, the wavering and emotions that come and go to affect that. Hang in there and keep thinking and acting strong and positive
Thanks! He will be abroad for the next several weeks and this is somewhat easier on me
I hope that I will feel more at peace and less affected by the time he gets back.
How are things with you? Any updates on your story?