My ex has unblocked me on Instagram feeling confused

Questions i have -
Should I unblock my ex on WhatsApp? Should I wish them a simple happy new year?

When my ex ended things with me he blocked me on Instagram which is fair enough I understand people block others on social media sometimes it can be apart of break up.
We did still talk here and there over the phone until 3 months ago we both had a massive row I felt really hurt by his actions so I blocked him on WhatsApp. Weve not spoken in 3 months since this massive row and his still blocked on my whatsapp. I have noticed on Instagram his unblocked me and changed all his settings so his now got a open profile and I though this is weird. Why do you think his done that to try get my attention or something? Iv been hoping for a apology off of him especially it being the holidays but iv sadly not got one perhaps his not ready to which is fine or perhaps I will never get one. Its Not a apology to to get back together i am after its just in a civil grown up way really.

@michkath He hasn’t been treating you well or with respect. He doesn’t seem to want you and unblocking you seems cruel as in toying with your emotions and means nothing. Don’t unblock him! Try to date and find someone who cares a lot about you and would treat you kindly.

Good luck…