My ex blocked me on everything?

I’m sorry if this ends up long, I would really appreciate some feedback and help with this to help with closure or in time get him back! We broke up nearly two months ago and since then he’s spent the whole time trying to win me back (he broke up with me), I got him to chase me by ignoring his messages whenever they weren’t to do with resolving us and after a week he began chasing me.

He would tell me he misses me, loves me, he doesn’t want to be without me, thinks about me all the time, he even started sending me pictures of us. He asked me to be with him three times in the space of a month, even begged me to just be friends with him and see how it goes (I said no). The only thing stopping me was his inconsistency. After doing things like this he would go silent for a few days, wouldn’t say hello or contact me. Then it would be fine again and back to being full on.

I was getting fed up because I was moving on until he started doing this, the last time we spoke properly he asked me to be with him, asked me on a date and that he will ask me properly there, I agreed I would say yes to him when he did that, and we just had a nice conversation. Then I didn’t hear from him for three days, I messaged him and he didn’t respond, granted he has a job but I know he could see my messages if he wanted to. This is where it went wrong, we broke up because a guy we are both friends with stirred things, and my ex realised the guy was flirting with me and they also fell out. I bumped into this guy not long ago and took a selfie with him (didn’t show his face, it was cropped out it just shows shoulders, so you know it’s a guy in the picture, nothing flirty or suggestive, just a funny picture) and because I got ignored I decided to play games back at my ex, I posted the picture.

Instantly I got blocked on Instagram, I messaged him on Facebook asking what was up (acting innocent because after all there was no proof it was that guy.) and he called me a snake, he knows what I’ve done, and my Facebook messenger was blocked. My Facebook profile is not blocked however. My number is blocked too, I tried to contact him from a different account and got ignored. I know I did play games back but only because I was tired of his inconsistencies and I wanted to show him I COULD meet other guys, because he would ask me if I was seeing anyone all the time and get annoyed if he thought I was, I wanted to show him that actually if you act hot and cold with me I will just meet someone else.

But it failed, he got angry, he blocked me. I know he always checked my profile so maybe that’s why he didn’t block my Facebook. Did I hurt his feelings? Just because I posted a picture with a guy not showing his face is no reason to block me if we are single. What are reasons he could have blocked me? Was it genuine feelings even though he was acting hot and cold?

So sorry for how long this is, I would honestly appreciate the feedback and what I could possibly do to resolve this, and do I block him on Facebook to make the statement back or leave it so he can watch what I’m doing! Thank you!

You broke up 2 months ago. He pestered you to get back together (be friends, etc.). Then it looked like you might start talking about it and he started ignoring you off and on, then you posted something to make him jealous, he got jealous and blocked you.

I’ll give my advice.

No, you shouldn’t block him in response as there is no reason to escalate a situation pointlessly. He really isn’t showing much caring about you or your feelings. He is hot and cold, he broke up, he blocks you. He’s all over the place causing drama, saying he will do something, showing he doesn’t care, getting jealous, etc.

He needs to change his behavior. I wouldn’t block him but I would go no contact for a while. If he does contact you, tell him you both need to take some time to figure things out and so you want to have no contact for (however long you want). And tell him if he respects you, he will accept that and you can talk when the time period is over if he wants to.

If he continues to contact you during the no contact period, he is showing he doesn’t respect you. Granted, he doesn’t appear to be talking to you right now so you don’t need to tell him you are going to do this but my assumption is he will contact you at some point because of the “hot and cold” nature of his communication. After the no contact period is over (again, however long you want) and if he respects it, you can see what you want to from there. That’s my advice, might be right or might be wrong.