I don’t know if I’m at the right place, since I’m really not expecting a reconciliation at this point, but I wanted to share my experience and hopefully get some insights as to what’s going on in my ex’s head. I guess I need closure so I can move on and maybe some answers will help with that. (Unfortunately this means I’m still hung up on him, because I still care what he thinks… damn it!)
So here’s my story: We got together at a bad time and there was stuff around us that made the relationship difficult to sustain. By stuff I mean we kept the relationship hidden because a mutual friend of ours was in love with me (I didn’t reciprocate and was always clear about that) and my ex felt bad for getting together with me behind the other guy’s back. Also, he didn’t know if he would be able to get a job and stay in my country or would have to leave in a few months. The other guy (the one who liked me) was a good friend and was trying to help him get a job, so my ex felt like he was cheating his friend and he was horrified by the idea that he could find out. Anyway, later, I realized this was really just an excuse and that he just didn’t love me enough, otherwise he would have tried a bit harder to overcome the difficulties, so it was pointless to continue. So initially, we broke it off amicably.
The trouble starts when we’re already apart. We continued to chat via Facebook and at the time I assumed that we’ve reverted back to being good friends. So I continued to show him support, but he started to withdraw and gradually became cold and distant. Also, I noticed he would act flirty and funny on FB with girl friends. Since he’s quite attractive, his girl friends are all also extremely friendly towards him. One time I thought it was really tacky that he used something I had said to him in the past, when we first started flirting, and parroted it to another girl. Anyway, I didn’t push it and decided to respect whatever he was going through, until one day it all went horribly wrong.
My aunt had died on my birthday and I decided to tell him because I thought we were - above all else - good friends. The part of me that still liked him was hoping he would show some support as a friend, as I had always done for him. That somehow we had messed up as a couple, but we’d continue to be there for each other as friends. Well, it turns out he barely replied, acting distant like he always did lately and I felt awful. All the time we were talking that day, I noticed he kept posting comments with laughs on public posts which were visible to me on my FB. I snapped and said I hardly recognized him and he wasn’t a real friend because he just wasn’t there for me when I needed him the most. He apologized and said he was having a really bad day (but I thought it was a lame excuse because of the public posts). I let things cool off for me and waited 3 days. And that was out last exchanged.
After that, and since he hadn’t said anything else, I unfriended him of Facebook, for self preservation. All was going well for me, as I was starting to heal, until yesterday (a month later) I noticed some tagged photos I had in my FB page were missing. I went to check our history chat and saw that he had blocked me! Why would he block me a month later if we weren’t even friends anymore? We don’t have public posts and just 2 mutual friends, so there wasn’t stalking involved. I just don’t get it…