My ex broke up with me about 7 months ago now. The reason we broke up is still unclear to me, we don’t fight much (like in our year and two month relationship we fought like…4 times?) and even he wasn’t sure if we should break up at the time. (Literally, I asked him “Are you breaking up with me?” to which I got “I don’t know.”) I did a 30 No Contact period and nearly sent him into panic attacks (that’s what several friends he said at least).
But the night we broke up, he got drunk and slept with this girl who was very clingy on him when we were together.
Shoot, it sent before I could finish, sorry.
Anyways, this girl is now his not-so-girlfriend (as in they act like a couple but they say thy are not so…fuck buddy?). He asked when he broke up with me to still be his friend, and i said yes, but he keeps me closer than his other exs that are friends. Meanwhile, he keeps giving me mixed signals. When we hang out together in public, people always ask if we are dating (or ask if we got back together if they knew we broke up). He gets really interested when I go on dates (as in asks a lot of questions) and then says if he approves with me dating them or not. He pokes fun at me, sometimes just as a friend would, some times more. And then, some weeks he talks to me almost every days, some weeks i hear maybe from him once in a public skype call. He has told me things he hasn’t even told his fb/gf, and all around acts a lot like he did just before we got together the first time.
Meanwhile, this other girl has been making moves on me. She has told me she hasn’t told my ex, teases me (as in turn me on), even has made out with me (was not expecting it when it happened), offered to do it again since then, and offered to sleep with me, without telling my ex. (I told her I didn’t want to get between the two of them to which she said she would talk to him about it. A part of me is worried she won’t talk to him and say that she did.)
I don’t trust this girl, but I would love try and try again with my ex. He said he wanted a year if no relationships and I was more than willing to give him that while trying to move on. But now with these mixed signals I have no idea what to do. Any advice?