I hope someone can give me good advice. My girlfriend broke up with me couple of weeks ago and I tried to do NC but failed and tried to win her back. She sent me a message saying - ‘I’m sorry. I know you have feelings for me but our relationship can’t function in a sexual/ romantic context anymore. I am 100% sure about this and I’d like to see you move on. You need to stand on your feet, even grind your teeth if you need to, believe in yourself and move on. It’s nice that you have reached out to my friends for advice on how to win me back but I’m simply not interested in this. I will Of course always remember the amazing moments we have had and I’m so so thankful for those. Perhaps at some point in the future when you have moved on, we will be able to grab a coffee or a bite as two friends who care about each other. For now though, I want to focus on myself, my 2 jobs and my trips that are coming up.’
We were dating for a little over a year, she’s 25 I’m 28. I want to maintain NC but we go to the same gym and workout at the same times everyday. So I’m going to see her Forsure if I decide to go. Is that okay? Or do I switch gyms. And if it’s okay then how do I act around her