Long distance reconciliation

My ex and I broke up about 2.5 weeks ago. We have lived together a short while before she moved to another state to be back with her kid. We dated about a year and 3 months. She was more emotionally evolved in the relationship at the beginning. She has told me she loved me at 3 months and through the year she has always wanted to take things to the next level. I told her that in good time I would feel the same because I didn’t wanna just jump into anything super fast that we could take things slow. But after the first year I came around to really loving the girl and began to realize that I wanted to spend my life with her. Wanting her to move in with me to another state and move her kid in. Which was always her plan and idea. And I really thought it though and wanted the same. But as I came around to find myself wanting it all with her she began to tell me that she doesn’t rly know what she wants in life and that she doesn’t wanna move in with me. She says that she put all the effort in the beginning and that she felt I wasn’t doing the same but I did tell her I wanted to take things slow. We broke up and 3 days later I found out she slept with someone which she confirmed. She cried to her best friend saying that she made a huge mistake. I kno she loves me but one day she wants to be with me then the next it’s completely different. After everything happened I was mad and did say some mean things but after it all I ended up telling her I could forgive her and that I still wanted her to move in. We called the next couple of days trying to figure it out then I drunkenly texted her that I wanted nothing to do with her because she did that. Next day I apologized and told her I wanted to be friends. She liked that. I did text her 2 days of texts (probably around 10) of how much I wanted her in my life and how much I loved her. Then the next day I told her we weren’t gonna be friends and that I’m goin to give her all the time and space she needs and I was goin to delete her number and delete her out of my life. My question is,is this relationship to far gone to rekindle anything even though we live in different states… I have been on no contact for a couple days but every other time we have broken up she calls or texts within a week. I don’t kno what to do and I’m rly confused on her change of mind within a couple months. I really do wanna still be with her but I need advice on wether she still loves me even tho the change of mind and if were going to ever get back. I’m 27 she’s 23. Thx

I know how confusing this is,but there is really nothing you can to to understand what she thinks/will think.Both of you are confused and both of you need some space.

Don’t worry about anything.I don’t think if she’ll move on during this time.in fact she will forget the bad memories she will remember the good ones and she will begin to miss you.
Continue NC and make positive changes in your life.Do not stalk her on social media,… during this time and focus on yourself.
The most important part of NC is about you to become a really happy confident person without her in your life.Thats the first step of getting an ex back.

You should follow the 5step plan.It’ll absolutely increase your chances.

Here’s a checklist for ending no contact.

-You followed the no contact rule for at least one month.
-You are no longer a mess as you were after the breakup.
-You have made a few positive changes in your life.
-You are absolutely sure that getting back with your ex is a good decision.
-You have gone on at least one date during no contact.
-You have accepted the breakup and you are OK with the fact that you may never get your ex back and this might never work for you.
-You have accepted the fact that even if you don’t get your ex back, you will be fine since there are endless opportunities in the world to find love and happiness.

Best of luck

Thank you
I will continue NC… The only thing is what if she texts me "baby don’t leave me lets work this out."Which was her first text after we broke up the last time before I figured out what she did. I just want this to work so bad. For so long she wanted the next step then once I show it to her it completely changes. Do u think she will come back around if I show her nc and avoid her completely. Only prob I have with nc is we live 300 miles away and if we drift apart the next couple months I don’t think we could rekindle anything because of the LD. This sucks