Limited Contact. No Contact. What to do..?

We are both in our 20s. I thank you again! I hope we get our exes back or find something far greater.

Me ex keeps sending good night texts. “Sweet dreams baby. I love you” “good night baby. Love you”

Every night. I feel like she might be trying to soften me up so I’ll talk to her.

Im on day 5 of NC. I think.

How do you feel about those text? You’ll stick to finish the NC until 30 days?

Ive actually decided to go 90 days.

I feel bad for not want to say I love her and good night. But I know that I live you means something different to her right now and id set myself back if I texted her.

LAbound good for you! and way to be an overachiever Lol 90 days ! :slight_smile:

She keeps looking for confirmation that you are still there, don’t give it to her.
You are right, if you respond you will set ourself back.

Im having a hard time today. Keep thinking about the plans we had. The places I wanted to travel to with her. Ive cried a few times due to seeing babies on television. What a sap right? I wanted her to be the mother of my children. So it makes me sad to see babies. And engagement ring commercials.

Im extremely sad and miss her today, but I REFUSE to give in.

You are just human, all those triggers can bring on the tears. You just have to let them come out.
There are those days that everything reminds you of them!

Without struggle there is no growth.

Thank you for all your words and support.