Letting Go

once again, no one can tell you if you’re overthinking. my situation is completely different from yours so i can’t say how to advise you more than i already have. my ex and i have 7 years of history together - thats a very long time. i think for us its necessary to have at least a 6 month break to evaluate everything. you and your ex were only together for 5 months. so I’m not sure what an appropriate amount of time is before considering reconciling. you’ve been broken up now for 3 months which is more than half of the relationship - for me, its been 3.5 months but that compared to 7 years is like nothing so we are dealing with very different situations. i also have gotten to the point where i feel like its my exes loss. i love him very much and hope he comes back, but i will certainly not initiate or chase him. he broke up with me and knows how to reach me if he wants to reconcile. until he does that, i focus on me and only me and making myself a better and happier person - not on “getting him back”. theres no way to “get back an ex”. they must come to you on their own for it to be successful and lasting. he broke up with you so whether or not he is depressed or sad is no longer you’re problem. he hasn’t asked to get back together and he hasn’t asked for your help with any of this. you need to let it go more. i don’t know what you mean by “giving up”. you should be working on yourself to make yourself happy and you should never give up doing that. its ok to have hope that one day you’ll reconcile, but improving yourself solely to get him back wont work. I’m not really sure what you’re looking for me to say here. i can’t say you will get him back or how long it will take. i can only say make yourself happy and maybe he will come back on his own

I want to tell him I miss him…but that probably wouldn’t be good? I haven’t said it once since we broke up…what should I do? I just want us talking again

no you shouldn’t tell him you miss him

Is it bad that I haven’t said it once and he’s said it…2 times?

no…it really doesnt mean anything whether or not you miss someone. pretty much everyone in the world will miss an ex at some point after a relationship ends no matter what the circumstances are. my ex has told me he loves me and misses me since the breakup but were still nowhere close to reconciling. it just makes things confusing and complicated to say. plus him saying he misses you in no way means he wants to get back together. you shouldn’t say it because it will make yo appear weak to him, less independent, and will set him back. plus its not even been two weeks nc. even if you decide to reach out at some point it should only be to make light, friendly, convo. you shouldn’t say i miss you unless there are talks of reconciling, initiated by him

How do I possibly show him I’ve changed…back to me, the none depressed me

theres no real way. if you started talking and hanging out maybe he would see it over time

That’s what I meant, like talking and all that

I don’t know what to do, I want him back so much

maybe you should just try telling him how you feel then and see what he says

I was thinking maybe to see if we could hang out. I want him to see that I’m me again. I’m pretty sure he still has feeling a for me. If he stills sends me some flirty shit, I think that’s a sign

maybe initiate a meet up and see how it goes but if you do you just need to be emotionally prepared that it might not go the way you want and you might not end up back together afterwards. as long as you’re emotionally ok with that then you wont have anything to lose

But I don’t think it’ll go like that