Hi, so I just broke up with my ex boyfriend a few days ago. To be exact, it was four days ago my ex broke up with me. He’s the one who broke up with me, and I tried my best when he said he wanted to break up to keep my relationship with him, but I didn’t push him. I was saying something like “I still love you, and I really regret all the things that I did, and what happened between us, but if this is your decision I accept it and thanks for inform me”, because before we broke up, we did “break” for almost 2 weeks. He broke with me by texting, he didnt want me to call him or meet me in a person to say that “we break up”. He also said during the past weeks of “break” phase, he didn’t feel somethig at all. During the “break” phase, i did try to say happy 9 months at the day 5th and a week after that i asked how are you doing, i miss you, and thats it, he said he was doing fine, and asked how I was doing, i replied, said i was fine and what he up to right now, and thats it, he said we can’t keep doing this, i think we better break up. I havent tried to text him since the break up. Is it possible that he miss me and will text me first? Or has he completely ignored me and moved on?
Ps: he doesnt blocked me from any social media nor my phone, but he indeed deleted all of my post with h on instagram at the same time we broke up.
Additional note we broke up because there’s a lot of issue, such as i’m being too pushy, he already said he’s tired like a month agi and i said im sorry and i tried to fix things, and our mood is kinda improving bu that time, but i kept ruining it. Until this time he said we better break up and we are good this way.
Please help and let me know what do you think?