Ex broke up with me 8 months ago. She very recently started talking to me again, and is very friendly. Came to my live stream with all of our other internet friends (She is long distance) and said how much she’d love to hang out with everyone in person again. I told her on that stream that I was going to be in her state, California, a month from now (It’s to see all my other friends, but obviously it’s also my best shot at retraction with her too) and she didn’t respond. I waited a week and a half, during this time she hasn’t talked to me any more and has been sort of MIA from the internet, and just sent her a text saying how I said I’d be visiting last week and I wasn’t sure if she heard me. I made it sound very casual and just said that I wanted to let her know in case she wanted to hang out or something. She hasn’t responded yet and she usually responds right away. Kind of worried. I think maybe she lost any sort of attraction to me again during the stream and is trying to get passed it all.
Update: She responded and we talked for a couple minutes. She said if she is in the area at that time (She switches between San Fran and Los Angeles) she is down to hang out. It was pretty casual. Maybe I’m overthinking it.