It's been since april. Do i let it go?

We’ve been apart since april. Last talked/met for my stuff around 3/4 weeks ago. It hasn’t been going well. Do i let go? Or do i even have any chance. i still miss her. I still love her. Need some sort of advice thanks

Based on your previous posts and Patricia’s previous responses…I would say it is time to move on. That is likely not what you want to hear, but it seems that rebuilding attraction is going to be difficult at best.

Thanks for the reply KR. I’m beginning to come to terms with that. I’ve felt like i’ve come a long way since the break up. I haven’t really thought about her for a while because i’ve been so productive i haven’t had time to think. But tonight i really miss her. I know things have been sour ever since we lost our baby and I just don’t know. I understand there is no point looking back in regret or trying to hold on because what’s done is done. I’ve made positive change and progress and now that I look back on how much has changed… it’s weird. I think to myself it would have been so much better if i was in the mind frame and life stage i am right now but then… but yeah… i’m contradicting my self here lol.

In your honest opinion, do you think there is no chance at all? I won’t be offended or hurt. I’m over it now but I do miss her sometimes. I’ll be happy to look at your posts also!