My ex broke up with me 4 weeks ago. It was because she lost feelings for me. We never had big issues in our relationship and we clicked very good! We felt really safe with each other and it felt very amazing.
When she broke up I didn’t act very needy. Yes I cried. But she cried too. We hugged and cried a lot that evening. And yes I asked her if there really wasn’t a chance to get trough this together, but she said she couldn’t set her doubts aside. So I accepted it. Her leaving was hard for us both I could tell. She was crying al the time.
The next we week she kept talking to me like we did in the relationship, but without the hearts and kisses. A week later I send her a message that the contact was hard for me and that I needed space to reflect on everything. But if she really needed me, I would be there for her. She called me and I could tell she was walking crying on the street while we have a evening clock (curfew in English?) dur covid-19. I was worried, so I picked her up. She was crying and told me that she wanted to sleep with me. That she missed me and it was hard for her to fully let me go.
We fell asleep spooning and she hold my arm and kissed me arm. The next day I had to work. We said we would talk again the evening after.
Again we cried a lot and we even kissed. Again saying goodbye was hard for us both. But she agreed that having no contact was maybe good for us both.
After 1,5 week she contacted me and we talked a bit. After two days I contacted her to ask how she’s been. We talked a bit again. Than I send het two days later a direct message how I felt about the whole situation and that I was open to give us another chance. Just to let her know…
She texted me that due no contact she has already balanced everything out and she was fine alone. That she didn’t had the feeling to give us a chance right now and first wanted to work on herself and learn to talk about her feelings. I accepted and said it was good for that she balanced things out and was working on herself. I asked whether she already sorted out where her doubts in the relationship came from. She texted she didn’t think of it anymore. I started no contact again. This was 3 days ago.
Do I still have a chance? In my head it’s confusing that 2 weeks ago she lied crying in my arms, and now everything has taken a place for her.
Our relationship was almost a year.