Is she going to be too prideful to take me back

My ex who I was dating for two years is very independent and always has been. I found her independence attractive for the most part but the last two months of our relationship she became very independent and it just began to make me feel like she never needed me or even wanted me. She is also very prideful and tries to stick with all of her decisions. This scares me, when the time comes what if she is feeling like she wants to get back together but she doesn’t want to go back on her decision because of her pride. I’m nervous she will be too worried about giving up her pride for me. Any advice??

I too have this problem - unfortunately with a boy!

Have you spoken to her since the break up?

I did for the first like 5 days of the break up but she ignored me the whole time except once she answered to tell me that we are not getting back together and that she didn’t love me anymore. That’s when I started NC and I’m on day 10

then definately stick with NC-Im on day 37 and feel a hell of a lot better.

NC will work in that at the moment she has all the power, shes the one thats just called the shots and said your not getting back together. A bit of the silent treatment will make her wonder why you arent still begging to have her back and wondering why! :slight_smile:

but remmeber NC is mainly for your benefit - you can make yourself into a better person, get back out there and do fun things and get over the break up - make her realise what she’s missing :slight_smile: Pride wise theres not much else you can do apart from try and make her regret her decision. my boyf after 3 years is full of pride and would never change his mind-im hoping NC will make him realise that I’m not going to wait for him :confused:

Ok thank you very much that was very helpful. I’m still in the early stage of NC so my mind keeps coming up with scenarios that I don’t want to think about ha. But again thank you and if you ever need anyone to talk to I would love to return the favor.

Thats okay! I found NC very difficult :frowning: Im now at the stage where I want to talk to my ex but am too scared to, mainly because he has such a big ego im scared he wont reply because he’ll think that I want to get back with him (I do…but i dont want him to know that :P)

Yeah I understand completely I have that same fear. She said she doesn’t want to talk until I can talk to her as a friend so I’m afraid she won’t think that when I try to talk to her

Yep thats exactly my problem!!

I thought by now he would have contacted me, its been 5 weeks and I dont know whether to contact him or leave it longer :frowning: he was really upset when he dumped me so im hoping that it means he’ll still care a bit! :frowning:

You said it has been 37 days right? And how are you planning on contacting him

texting him I think!

Yeah, 37 days :confused: Ive been in contact with his sister lots and see her once or twice every week as we’re really close…she said he still missed/loved me but timing wasnt right :frowning: but i asked her last week how he was and she was like “yeah hes really good!” so I dont know, i just hope he isnt over me already! :frowning:

Well it’s good that she told you he misses you, I doubt he is over you, he may be doing good but 1. it could be an act because like you said he is also prideful and 2. It doesn’t mean he is over you maybe he is just coping better much like you are. I wish I got some sort of sign that my ex is at lease a little upset, every picture I see she is super happy she was out doing karaoke 3 days after the break up I have gotten no hint that she even cares that it happened or if she misses me:( that kinda terrifies me.

awww no, if you were together for 2 years she can’t have gotten over you that quickly! shes just out having a good time with her friends, and possibly so that she can try and get over you too! you need to put pictures up and do the same :slight_smile:

just wondering, what was the reason for the break up? that could answer a lot to how she s reacting at the moment.

Very true - recently he’s been visiting frends at uni for big house parties though - I HATE to think of what went down at them :frowning:

We broke up for multiple reasons I have had moments when I wasn’t the best boyfriend but nothingness too bad I just put her down sometimes. But the past two months she had recently gotten a position in a club that we were in and she started making less time for me and more for the club and people in the club and that caused a lot of issues.

I’m scared that she is trying to get over me by doing all these things, which by the way she is doing things that she never would have done before she is being different, but I’m afraid that she is going to be over me by the time I contact her.

oh okay -as long as you havent done anything really bad then she shouldnt have a reason to get over you so quickly :slight_smile:

Then i think you have to do the same thing too :slight_smile: I started boxing and posting stuff on facebook about the new things i was doing - not in a “look what im doing” way but more like “cant wait for boxing tonight with ****!” type thing :slight_smile:

You dont want her knowing youre waiting around for her - you need to do the same! :slight_smile: it will make you feel better :slight_smile: Speaking from experience, i would not be attracted to someone again if I thought they were sitting at home moping and I could have them anytime I want. She wont get over you easily :slight_smile:

Yeah I have been trusting to do stuff like that with pictures the only issue is that she blocked me on pretty much everything which is also an issue when it comes to contacting her. But yeah I didn’t do anything horrible but I’ve also been fearing that maybe she had been like loosing feelings for me the past few months of our relationship and that maybe at this point she is almost over me you know what I mean?