Is she curious?


I’m not telling you everything, because that would be too long. We’ve known each other for 2 years. Been together for 6 months. 2019 summer, I screwed it up, ignored her for days. To this day she was desperately trying to get me back. We’ve been friends since the break up. I was trying to get her back but she felt guilty when we were talking about ourselves. She was with a guy for 6 months give or take they broke up at around February this year. She said when she lost her virginity she was begging for me. At around July, August I was trying to meet up with her. She was busy because she was working all the time. I felt her distant, but even up until August she showed me signs of interest. Saying she would cut my moustache off and how she wants to meet me. She was either with her female friend or with this “best friend” or boyfriend I don’t even know. At around 20 August, I removed her nickname and things because I thought she didn’t like me anymore. I was a coward. She told me the guy kissed her, and she kissed back because the guy kissed well. However, long before this in May she told me she doesn’t want anything from this guy, no kiss, no sex. She likes him, but as she told she likes her teacher, but wouldn’t want anything more this is the same case. End of August, she told me the guy wants to be together with her, but she doesn’t really want it, because she was not “in love” with him. Early September I told her maybe I should back off, I didn’t want to ruin their relationship. She told me I couldn’t ruin anything because “there’s nothing to ruin, but okay go away and don’t come back”. She was really pissed. Blocked her, but unblocked her shortly. After 1-2 weeks I was texting her on Snapchat I think. She responded, but she was cold. I sent her a love photo, she blocked on both of my snaps. She didn’t block me on Facebook, I was begging she told me she already moved on and she didn’t want me to contact her for now. I told her I’m going where she lives to meet. She was really angry because I didn’t tell her sooner and she was working at that day. I posted a photo of a fake couple holding hands. She said I was pathetic. She ignored my messages on Facebook, but didn’t block me. Didn’t remove my photo from her profile. Said the guy already met her parents and that the guy loves her more than anyone else and she loves her too. She hasn’t posted anything, she’s like a ghost. No photo from this guy, no relationship status. I don’t even know if they’re together! Haven’t talked in 19 days. Last Saturday, I was going past her town by train. On the train I was searching for her name on Snapchat. She unblocked me for about 30 minutes. I saw her avatar, her name. Everything. It was her. But didn’t text me anything. Probably she wanted to text me. I’m not that active on Snapchat and she knows that. If she wants to see my texts on Messenger she needs to write me first, that’s how the ignore function works. Maybe she saw I was close to her and blocked me again. We’re in a Long Distance Relationship btw. I kind of went there maybe I bump into her. Didn’t see her in her hometown, but saw her at a place a bit further from her town, where she had never gone. Maybe it was her I’m not sure. We were staring at each other a couple times. So basically she is a ghost on social media. But unblocked me on Snapchat for a reason, and I don’t know why. I posted a couple neutral things on FB (not related to the breakup in any way), but then I removed those posts. So the photo of me is on her profile but they might be together, without any photos of the guy whatsoever. I have no idea what is going on. She last posted (I’m happy with you) in July on Tumblr. Since then, nothing. Why did she unblock me then reblock me? This was the first time I caught this. I didn’t have any posts on Snapchat. The only way I saw this was by searching for her name so she wasn’t playing with me.

Thank you for your help, and sorry I was typing this fast to get some answers.

@AwesomeGuy121 She sounds young and immature, maybe you are too, I don’t know. Using social media to connect isn’t the best idea. Emailing or phone calls are much better. Texts are okay…

Start no contact for 30 days and don’t obsess about her or stalk her social media! Maybe she will miss you and contact you with something meaningful to say…

Good luck:)