Is my ex a d*ck or what?

Hi, I wrote here a couple of times before about my situation even right after our break up, but now it’s already have been about 10 months.
Just to sum things up. Me and my ex were together for about a year. I loved him no matter what and we were discussing of moving in together. Everyone was saying that we are the perfect happy couple.
Well, one day when we were at out friends cottage he went missing. We were looking for him for an hour and his phone was dead. When he finally picked up his phone he said that he went for a walk.
When he came back I was crying, I was so scared that something happened to him and he wasn’t able to say something. Then I confronted him about it. And he said, that he really likes me, but is not feeling the same as I.
The next day I drove home, he didn’t say a word. Week after not talking I called him and asked him, if this is the end and he said yes.
About two weeks after this I discovered that he has already a new girlfriend and that they were texting for about a month.
Well, she didn’t know about me and I was so upset that I texted her. She said that she’s okay with it and if I want to something to text her boyfriend. Well, he wasn’t replying to me but after this he replied.
I wasnt mean to him or needy. I just wanted to know why he did this to me, why he did not broke up with me before he started texting with someone new. The last text we sent to each other was me saying, that I still care about him and that I wish him the best but that he really broke me. He massaged back that they slept together just two days ago, not when we were still together and to be well.
I was devastated, I was crying and gained like 15 pounds. But I’ve got over it. I’ve never texted him, called him or contacted him in any way. When we bumped into each other we just said hi.
I still care about him and I don’t know if I will ever stop, but I know that I’m good on my own and that I don’t want to be with someone who’s cheating on me even via texts. I started working out and I’m really happy with myself (one of out mutual friends is a trainer so he makes workouts for me).

Now to the fun part… We met at the end of January, said hi. And two weeks after he texted me. I was so shocked and didn’t know what to do. I even asked here but before some answers came back, I replied to him, just hi. We had a little chat and it was like nothing happened. He acted like nothing happened.
I was just okay, he saw me, wanted to know how I’m. End.
Well, the next day he texted me again. I was just like what? And I didn’t replied to him, because I think that after 9 months I’m worth more than just hi. Well, then he texted me again. And me with my soft heart replied. Again, little chat, asking why I didn’t text back, fun.
It’s been like that for like a month now. I’m not texted him, he’s texting me, I’m answering but not right away, when I have time.
We met this Saturday at out mutual friend party and didn’t have any conversation. Just in the group.

I’m really confused right now. Is he just a huge idi*t and wants to hook up with me? Does he wants to be friends with me? Or did he changed a little bit and wants me back?
I don’t even know what I want right now. I know that I care about him and I really like him. But I can’t say that I love him.
I’m scared if things would go well he would hurt me again. I don’t want to be friends with him, I know that it would hurt like hell if I would he seeing him with someone else.
I don’t even know if some eventual relationship would work out.

@Barcal I’m sorry to hear you’re still obsessed with him after he hurt you with his cheating and then breaking up with you. Nobody knows why he’s contacting you except him. Next time he texts you, ask him why he’s doing it and ask if he’s still with his new girlfriend.