My ex and I were long distance for most of our relationship (7 out of the 9 months we were together), and about a week ago he broke up with me over the phone. We had a chance to meet in person about a week later, so we did, and I spent most of the three hours trying to convince him that the relationship was worth it. (I honestly really regret that now; it was probably needy and unnecessary.) At the end of that conversation, he said he needed more time to think about whether he’d be willing to try again, and we parted ways.
About a half hour later, he texted me saying that he’d made up his mind. I asked if we could meet in person (we were still in the same city), but he basically said no, and that he couldn’t try again, and if I needed anything to let him know. He made it clear that he wanted to remain friends and did not close contact, but was done with the relationship.
My ex is generally a pretty closed-off person in general, and it got really bad at the end of our relationship. I realized that I made a lot of mistakes, but all of it seems reconcilable. I just don’t know if it’s worth it? I really want him back, but I’ve read so many failed stories of people trying to reconcile with their ex. Should I even try?
**Note: the reasons he stated for breaking up were that he worried about me so much that it became too emotionally taxing (which was my fault and his), and that he felt like we fought a lot and there were more bad times than good (which was probably more my fault, because I really saw more good than bad, but I know that there are ways to better our communication so this doesn’t happen anymore).