Is it a rebound?

My ex and I just broke up a few weeks ago. He’s in a new relationship and has a baby on the way by the female. He told me he been talking to her on and off for about 2 years. He had cheated on me with her once. The female had contacted me when she found out he cheated on her with me. She told me she’s been pregnant by him twice within 3 months and had a miscarriage on the first pregnancy. He told me he only got her pregnant once and that’s now. This girl already had a kid as well. I’m feeling like its a rebound but Idk. He says he loves her and wants to start a family with her. Can anyone help me with this?

There are replies on your other post, but you didn’t respond. Now you’ve started another post with some of the same information. Okay, NO he’s not in a rebound relationship! He is supposedly in a relationship with her and yet he had sex with you. What difference does it make if he got the other girl pregnant once or twice?? The fact of the matter is that he’s a liar and a cheat. You’ve had a physical confrontation with him on top of everything else. You’ve been through bad times with him many times before and always end up back together. Honestly, it sounds like you’re not compatible. You say you’re not done with the relationship and want it to be better, but you can’t do it alone. He would have to want it too and he doesn’t. He said he’s through with you. Please don’t try to get him back, but instead, try to find a decent man who would wholly commit to you and want a family where you could both give children a happy home life.