is he trying to make me jealous???

okay wellll, my ex boyfriend and I had been together for over a year. we did argue quite a lot (over text) but when we were together everything was great. just last Sunday he decided to end things for good after a small argument we had because he was just tired of constantly arguing. he blocked my number after that and so I messaged him in every possible way I could… begging and begging and begging. he still ignored me. so finally on Wednesday he told me that I’m just not making him happy anymore and he’s doing a favor for the both of us, for some reason I don’t believe that. we were best friends and the bond we had was amazing, we really didn’t need anyone else it was just us. well anyways, a couple days ago he starts following tons and tons of girls on Twitter, and Instagram. Girls he doesn’t even know!!! And it’s making me so upset because he’s never done anything like this before. We haven’t talked since Wednesday night and it’s been tough, I’m hardly eating or sleeping but I’m not sure what he’s trying to do here? He also tweeted “you mean nothing to me anymore” like he’s the one that broke up with me why is he trying to hurt me even more??? I really do miss him because he was my best friend and the only person I’d ever talk to and all I really need is some advice…

What a jerk! I am sorry but it sounds like he is just trying to get under your skin and make you upset. The best thing for you to do is just ignore him and the posts all together. It will make him so upset to see that his actions do not effect your life. Even though I know how hard it is to watch your ex be-friend other girls right after the break up. Believe me, the best thing for both you and him is to ignore his posts because it will give you time to heal as well as show him how better off you are without him! Guys hate it when they are not in control over things, and when you ignore him you have all the control in the relationship because you are the one who has a say in when to contact him. You should definitely try the NC rule, not only does it help you heal from the relationship and give you more free time to do more things you are passionate about. But it also makes him wonder why his actions no longer have effect on you and it makes him think twice about the mistakes he has made. Hope this helps and keep us updated!

Your story is similar to mine in several ways. I know it seems impossible but you need time and space from him. I suggest doing the NC rule. It shows him you’re not needy and takes him out of control. I know it’s hard but after the first like week it gets easier. He is being a jerk. To me it seems he is for sure trying to make you mad. I know it’s impossible to think of but if he did start being with other girls it would clearly be rebound relationships. I think he is trying to make you jealous. Don’t let him have satisfaction in that and don’t let him be in control of this situation and your feelings! Leave him alone for a bit and show no interest. Make yourself happier without having to depend on him. I hope I could help! If you ever need to talk or advice just ask, I love talking to people going through The same things as me!