My girlfriend broke up with me a week ago. I decided to start my 30 days today. I know that the No Contact rule isn’t just about me and it involves her 30 days too to (hopefully) miss me and think about our relationship.
She has an important exam in 40 days and if she doesn’t pass she gets kicked out of the university. Is it possible that someone would put their feelings on hold for 40 days until she’s done with the exams and then starts her No contact rule ? If yes, does that mean that I need to wait 30 days until after her exams (70 days from now) for me to be able to contact her ? If yes, does that mean that I don’t wish her good luck before her exams ?
I really hope the first answer is No and that its fine to start the 30 days from now. I really want to go back to being with her in every way possible