Hey, Its really confusing for me that what to do today, as it is our anniversary. He broke up with me six months ago and wasn’t talking to me. I tried to reconcile with him, but he didn’t wanted to. so I started NC and its 3 month of NC now. within these 3 months I’v got several positive reactions, but he never contacted me. It’s like he is dropping signs that, I should contact him first. but I’v tried many times and I don’t want to respond to him.
As I really hope he will come around one day, cause its not like we break up because of cheating or anything.we broke up because of some issues with communication and compromise, which are the things we can work on.
So I don’t want to do any mistakes. I want to handle this cool, But its not like I want a relationship right away.
I really want some good advice to handle this situation ASAP. Thank you guys very much.