Typically speaking most women tell me that they wouldn’t leave their man unless they had a fall back plan. Is there any truth to this? I know it’s subjective but how often do you think this happens?
Hey MrCat I think you’re already familiar with my story as I am of yours. Lemme just tell you my experience. So my girl left me because she wasn’t being treated right and the romance was lacking. And yeah she immediately starting seeing another guy, like instantly. She told me she had a crush on him and she was getting attention from him and she wasn’t getting it from me. But thank god it did not work out between them and it ended up helping me in the end because she realized how much better I am than he was. So, yeah I do think girls most of the time have someone to fall back on when they end things with their boyfriend. It sucks a lot, but it’s true. But most of the time they do not work out at all and they realize what they may be losing with their ex. Just my opinion.
Thank you for your response. Idk I’m a little confused, because of Valentines Day she was pissed off and just thinking about our failed relationship. We broke up on the 6th so that was already more than a week so for that reason I doubt she already had someone to fall back on. But then again I’m not sure, she was cold, distant, and mean when I last spoke to her, and she said for the 2 weeks we didn’t talk she was just angry at me.
Hmmm maybe she’s still really upset about your relationship then. She’s still processing everything and needs more time to think it through. She could easily not be with another guy and hopefully she’s just thinking about you guys on her own.
Yea she told me she wants nothing to do with me, and that it’s going to take her time to heal from all this, she’s been angry and disappointed at me. She doesn’t want to meet up with me, she thinks her feelings for me will come rushing back. I would like to contact her sometime in the future but I’m afraid she’s trying to string me along in case it doesn’t work with someone else. Based on her twitter her feelings have been conflicting with one another and as if she’s trying to forget me (based on some of the stuff she writes). I’m trying to move on but my head is a mess.
I also broke up with my gf on 6th feb and she started seeing a guy immediately. It’s my 6th day of NC and it’s just killing me. Everytime today i could just think about her face and her voice. Still hard to believe she isn’t in my life anymore.
I hope my case turns out to be like ryan’s case. I can’t bear this distance.
I think more NC for you two will really make them miss you. It seriously does wonders. I know my case was different and it took only 6 days of NC and only 3 weeks of not being together. But every situation is different. You guys know your girls. You know when to step in and try to get in their life again. Me, I sent her an email that poured my heart out to her on her birthday and just left it like that. Then she realized after reading it and thinking about it that she is making a huge mistake leaving someone who actually loves everything about her. Mr Cat it sounds like she still needs at least a couple of weeks of just absolute NC if she’s still talking to you like that. Nowwinaditya the guy she is seeing is most likely a rebound. That means she still hasn’t even dealt with your breakup so she hasn’t even really had the chance to completely miss you. When her new rebound relationship disintegrates, which it most likely will, she will wonder what you are up to and why she isn’t hearing from you.
Ryan I hope man that that’s likely to be a rebound.I hope their current relation disintegrates because I don’t see any hope right now. I just hope I didn’t fuck it up too bad so that she hates me. I don’t know how long I should do this NC but I am planning on doing it at least for 45 days. I am on my 7th day so it’s a long journey ahead. Tomorrow onwards should be better because I am moving in with two girls and meeting new people will help me a lot.
My relationship was like thay too. One day it was ok all happy and like everything was fine. the next day done. The tought i have in my head she left for someone else. I tried getting back together but no she doesnt love me mo more etc. Im on 6th day of NC and i don’t feel or see any hope
The no contact will work, but you need to not sit around and stew on the past. I know its hard, and it was for me, but just get out and visit friends, go for long drives, even long walks, anything to get you away from sitting around and thinking about it. Go places and meet new people, you will be surprised at who you might meet. As for her, my ex was somewhat hostile, wouldn’t answer calls or texts, and i started no contact 7 days after breakup, the same day she informed me she was now seeing someone I had recently met while out with her, talk about wanting to crawl into a hole. I went 30 days, reached out and sent her a photo of something she liked, she immediately responded, the same a few days later, all small talk, but friendly. Main point of no contact, improve and enjoy yourself, and it will help you look better when you initiate contact again. Good luck!