Long story short : I have been verbally abusive to ex, as a result of his passive-aggressive behavior towards me. Our final fight happened on Saturday over a disagreement over me taking stuff that belonged to him and modifying it – I am being purposefully vague to protect his identity. Long story short - it was horrific. He promptly blocked me on Facebook and booted me from the two FB groups that he runs. I was hurt and heart-broken, but then the crazy in me took over. Rather than leaving him ALONE, I created a fake FB profile, and sent him a private message asking him to please add me. He sent me an email invite, I joined both groups, then thanked him for the invite, which he responded to with a simple “You’re welcome”. I thought that was that… until an hour later, he booted me (fake profile) from both groups again. I think he found my IP from the email invite, realized it was me, and promptly kicked my ass out of his precious group. I sent him yet another pm asking me to please add me back and he didn’t even check the message I sent. He FINALLY also blocked me on Whatsapp (I checked this afternoon) but he has not blocked my fake FB profile yet although it’s probably just a matter of time and will happen soon.
Help !!! I was totally in the wrong. When we met two years ago, he was still not completely over his ex, but I thought with the passing of time that I was not a “rebound” anymore. We were friends for a year, and then began to date early last year. He became cold and distant in July out of the blue and I freaked out and over-reacted to little things. He got more and more distant and is now GONE. I don’t know if he will ever come back because of all the yelling and ranting / raving and that hurts. Now that he’s blocked me EVERYWHERE - FB, Google Plus, his cell phone (all calls go straight to VM) and Whatsapp, there’s no way I can contact him anymore. Obviously, I cannot contact him via my fake account (which I deleted moments ago). HELP ME. I know there’s going to be no instant redemption but I want him to not hate me and give me a chance to say my final apology to him. What hurts is that he never gave me an option to explain myself and apologize for my crazy behavior and blocked me before I could. Short of going to his work or home (which I have ZERO intention of doing for obvious reasons), there’s no way to get in touch with him. Help ! What can I do to get him to talk to me again ? I am implementing NC but given how much I verbally harassed / abused him over several weeks, will he ever give me another chance ? The fact that he’s blocked me everywhere makes me want to just cry and the guilt is killing me. Help !