My ex left me for someone else the beginning of Feb. His new gf new about me yet still pursued him. Yes it hurt…I cried like hell. He still wrote me here and there and at one point stated that he may have made a mistake. Oh well. Fast forward to now, my mom notices that she (new gf) constantly posts about her relationship with my ex, has pictures of them plastered everywhere and makes snarky posts about how he (my ex) has moved onto something better and didn’t “settle”. My mother posted something on her own instagram about people who are bad moms. Apparently, after this long, the girl still stalks my mother’s and my social media accounts. She had to have my ex unblock me to contact me on my account talking mess on how SHE got offended about what my mother posted. REALLY? What does this have to do with me? Why is she lurking? Why is she so insecure? Am I still a threat to her? why is she not happy with her own relationship? Am I crazy for thinking these two are really not happy? I feel as if he knows he made a mistake. She moved up here to be with him and left her children behind. They moved in together after 2 months. I think he thought the grass was greener but now is stuck and is only doing things to please her, which is contacting me. In the message, he says “it’s been 5 and a half months” ok look whos counting?! His sister has contacted me saying to hang out, his old roommates/best friends talked to me as if nothing has happened. It seems as if they are not fond of his new gf. I don’t have intentions of ever getting back with him, but judging on this kind of behavior they are two miserable people. Do you guys agree?