I just hard to forget my ex boyfriend instead he has new girl friend.I still love him and want him so much still and knowing he has new girl friend drive me crazy.His new girl friend even called me to move on and my ex also never contact me and not worry about me at all.I broke up with him because he cheated and i gave an other chance but i was suspected all the time so we fight and he damped me.I was insecure for my self he disrespect me rude with me and i harrasing him by texting so and called him so many time.Bottom line do u think there is chance i can get back with him?do u think it is good idea if i really want to get back with him?why he never contact and care me at all? Do u think his new girl friend rebound relationship only? Im so jealous with him as i still love him.What should i do? Is that alright if i text him? What should i say? Do u think there is any chance he still want me? Everyday i think about him.Thank you so much Kevin
Thank your for the responded.It was last December 2013 i found him cheated and since that i gave him chance and just cos we are LDR and he always come to visit me every month only one week and since i found he cheated i always suspected and fight so much and we broke up through phone and he did not come to see me for 3 months but we always contact and i contact him too and suddenly he never contact me and never see me untill august 2014 and i got call from girl that she told me i have to move on because now my ex dating with her and i was panic,jealous and un happy and since August i never contact him till now and in fact he has new girl friend.I still love him and want him what i should do?
She kind angry jealous and un happy . Two days before she contact me i called my ex and he did not tell about his new girl friend and i was still expected to get back with him so much and even he still help about financial that i need so the next day i got called from his new girl friend told me to move on and forget about him and of course i let my ex know about that and since that he stop not contact me he rejected my called and block me on his phone he seem choosed her over me i knew it is hurt but i dont have any thing to say i just face it and trying to move on.i did not hear anything from him since that And i dont want to call or text him first it is about 2 months but before he tried to move on not come to see me since january he not contact me and i always the one to contact him. Thank U guys xxxx
hey I can tell his new crazy gf was being jealous, it might not him but her block u, so if you still want him back, stay cool , and do some positive changes, change a hair style or something, be nice to him, make her more jealous, wait and try to contact him after weeks.
I just wonder if my ex still love me and want me back why he not trying to contact me first?? Im afraid if I tried to contact him first he would not happy and would only hurt me so that is why I never want to contact him.I feel he love his new girlfriend and he picked her over me that is more hurt me.
I stop not contact him since August till now and he blocked me from his phone.
Do u think I will try to contact him instead he has new girlfriend and he does not care about me?
What I should say if I contact him?? We don’t contact almost 3 months he might have happy life with his new girlfriend
Confused very much and I’m doubt if he still love and thinking about me
you can wait him, but might be a long time,4~6 months, my old ex come back for me after break up 6 months,after dated a girl, he found that he still love me over that girl, but I already moved on after crying every day like 3 months.
you could contact him just like "I went to XX that remind me of you."take things slowly
I am in a and situation too, and I won’t contact him forever if if doesn’t contact me, I am just that kind of stubborn person, and I know girls are different from boys, boys WILL contact you if they miss you
Thank you Vanmessaq i will try to text him i just afraid it seem im begging him u know and just disrespect me by i contact him after he has new girl friend
hey if u can tolerate that he might be cheat you again, it’s ok to contact him…
I tried my best to contact him until I don’t want to contact him any more…but nothing changed, it has to be his idea
keep up updated !
be honest,no contact can not help anything for me in my relationship,just make me can calm down,and the time i no contact,he moved on and find a girl very matching,im so sad and jealous,but he said too late and no change for me,and no contact me,now only can hope they are just rebound relationship
its probably just a rebound. relax and calm down. in this time you need to focus on yourself and improve your self during this time. forget about that for now and then focus on you. have you read relationship rwind yet? if not you should. good luck and keep us posted.
i made all things Kevin said,no contact,improve myself,when i broke bf many guys follow me and want be my bf,but when i tried date,in my mind only have my exbf,till now we split up for 5 weeks,i found out that girl is his friend he just know,and she liked him,when we broke 1 weeks they started talk and 2 weeks later they date and cooking together,then yesterday they travelling…I dont mind that girl,because im very confident myself,my bf was so in love with me and tried do all things best for me,he took time to find out and conquer my heart,he from England but decided stay in my country more time if we work out,just because i made some mistakes and we arguing i made him hurt,he sad and he decided break up,now i only scared if he fall in love with that girl,because that girl i can see she is really look like me and my personality when he fell in love with me,but she has somethings he really needs like she very interested with hobbies of my bf,always compliment him,and seems try do all thinsg make him feel good,and listen to him,that is i think i didnt do well,because i always think he loves me much so maybe we never can break up,its wrong,i known and i tried to correct and improve,and i think love need study each other and by time,arguing and debate of couple is normal,but he didnt think so,he feel tired and maybe i made him hurt and lost belief of love,but i still love him much…
Hey VannesaQ how are u doing? I tried to text my ex via his best friend as he block me from his phone and wished his birthday and I remind my ex about the hotel we were staying and the Villa last time.I did not get respond yet from my ex yet or his best friend what do u think? Is that alright ?i don’t look that i begging him??do u think he will care about that?thank U xxxxx