Yes I did!! All back on track.

18 days with no contact. It does work. Didn’t follow the plan about recontact etc, but every break up is different, so did what felt right.

Definitely think no contact and time to heal and get your life sorted is vital.

Good luck everyone (and you RustyRed)

Xx :slight_smile:

I did NC and my ex wouldn’t stop sending me crap. I did it for about 20 some days and then he got mad cause I was replying…He still sends me stupid shit. I didn’t talk to him a week and he did the same. But then again I apologize for it and then he text me while he was working…I feel like I’ve screwed everything up. I might just have to do NC for the billionth time


First of all, crazy weather we’re having here, right!?

Second, CONGRATS and I wish you the best and you both have become stronger. I hope you can continue positive strides from here on!

Third, what did YOU do during the no contact? How did you fill the gaps of time spent with your significant other? What worked/didn’t work to make you stronger, feel better, and accept there may not be a “coming back”??

I envy you. But greatly congratulate you!

Yes well done u, very happy for you :slight_smile:

I am still on day 14 and i dont know why but i am feeling a bit guilty as if i am forcing him into a relationship with me:/
Pls take a look


Oh wow congrats LAgirl…keep it up and happy for you.I am on approx. day 48 and there is no contact from my ex,she emailed me after 40 days or so and asked me how I am doing and a copy of her resume,which she has in her email already…so I don’t know if it works out for everyone or will in future…but I guess this is the last option anyways ?

Enjoy your time LA girl @


Just curious did he see abother girl during any of that time? My ex is seeing another guy now! Feel free to read my story and reply!
