I don't know if I'm making a mistake

Me and my ex had a relashionship for 1,5 years. He always said he was madly in love with me and everything was fine. Sometimes I had doubts about us because of our young age (18) and I was afraid while he said that a long-life relationship with me didn’t scare him. Than things between us got colder, and I got a crush on another guy. I realised I didn’t care about him and still deeply loved my boyfriend. Nothing happened with this other guy, neither texts. I told my boyfriend this because I was seeking his support and he said it was okay and he appreciated my honesty, that he still loved me and wanted to be with me.
Than two days after he says he’s confused and he doesn’t know if being with me is the right thing. A week after he breakes up with me,saying it is not only for this reason, but saying that he still loves me. 2 weeks of no contact and then he texts me saying a friend of mine talked to him and told him I was deluded by his behavior and that I just would have like to have had an explanation about the breakup, but that I anyway don’t want to be with him anymore (not true) He called me two times and sent vocal messages in where he said he wanted to tell me something and he called me ‘love’, he said that he knows that he hurted me but that he got hurt too and just wanted to explain me some things. I didn’t answer and the day after he sent me a text saying ‘Whatever you want, I just wanted to say a couple of things. Bye’
Am I doing right not breaking no contact? Or am I acting in an immature way without saying anything?