So me and my ex have been broken up since May 5, 2015. In which I have completed my second try at “No Contact” yesterday (6/13/15). Upon doing so I checked her Twitter and Instagram just to see her mood before reaching out to her. Since, during my first attempt at “No Contact” I made it through 17 days before reaching out to her, where she ended up asking for her things back in which she wasn’t even home to exchange things with me, I had to exchange our things with her best friend. I was devastated, pissed, depressed, and etc. that you can’t even bare to see me when you ask for your things back. I later checked her post that day and ironically she had retweeted a “common white girl problems” post about when your ex randomly text you prior to me actually reaching out.
So I slipped back into “No Contact” for the full 30 days. So I complete the 30 days and check her post prior to reaching out since I successfully completed “No Contact.” Her post for the last few days are as follows:
When squirrels are having a better summer than you |(video about squirrels doing goofy things)
Everyone’s happy in a relationships and I’m just like I have pickle chips and a cat. Does that count for anything?
So if you ask me it looks like she’s hurting, and I’m thinking I followed all the steps and I’m ready to reconnect and it looks like the odds our in my favor. Since we’d planned our summer around each other and we’re both thinking long term. I’ve already determined she’s the one for me and I believe she’s thinks the same. She’s the woman I want to marry I’ve already made up my mind.
So I text her, I keep it light, non controversial, everything the guide says to do. No response, I’m discouraged but try again today (7/14/15). The day my step son with her turns 6 months, I keep it light just like before and congratulate her on making 6 months. Once again no response.
So now I’m confused because she’s the love of my life we’ve been best friends for over 3 years, prior to us dating and I love her son and have been raising him since birth and I wish he was my own everyday . She loves how I am with him and has repeatedly told me how proud and happy she is that I love her son and am able to take care of him and act like he’s my own. They are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. But her actions are misleading. During this whole process she has reached out to me on day 10 of being broken up before “No Contact” started. But, has also showed up at my job 4 times and ignored me, throughout this whole process. But I caught her glancing my way several times in which she would proceed to look down as if I wasn’t there when she saw me look. Then the whole exchanging stuff thing and know the not responding. After my text today she posted this several hours later:
People nowadays have like a new group of friends like every two days. They break ties so easily. Like I would be lost without my friends.
So I’m like completely lost. Can she not see that I love her and I’m right here ready to take her back so we can be a family again. I’m literally right here waiting for then she post the things she post when I’m right here. What do her actions mean. Do I keep texting her for a few days or do I slip back into no contact for a week as I’ve been told.
What do I do here, I love her and just want her and my son back. It hurts so much, I got so low at one point I considered suicide twice but couldn’t go through with it because I feared she would feel the burden more so than me and I’d leave my son without a father. Both are the last things I want to happen. I’ve done everything right so far how much longer do I have to wait. Please help I still have hope. I just want my family back, please help.