I was a very needy guy prior the first day she wanted space. Insecure yes very. I wanted her back. She started seeing a guy and is flaunting it to me. Her friends dont like me for her. I realized my mistakes. Ive been doing my best to self improve and change. 5 days prior to the day i started nc she messaged me “how are you” i didnt want to be rude and answered. Now shes aware of nc. But just now i said to her i realized talking with each other was helping me or her. So i said just now i want time and space too. For me to think about things. I want her back. 2 weeks and she has a guy.
This is pretty obvious rebound guy. And now its been 3 weeks since the official breakup. Space turned to breakup. So now im asking. Ive made changes in my life. I started self improvement. Exercise. And stuff. I didnt act jealous when she flaunted her new bf. So i want to know do i still have a good shot and scope of the situation?. I know shes controlling the breakup again when i replied. How do i turn the tables?
Is it okay for me to patiently wait? What are my actions after nc? What do i do if she contacts me again. In our country its rude not to cantact someone back so how should i address that kind of situation.
Keep the NC. If is a rebound and there is still hope for you two i think that you will make it throuhg. Make it clear for her that you need time and space. So she won’t bother you with texts.
I screwed up big time. Im still improving myself. But heres the gist of what happened. I halted nc again. Why i heard news that she was testing me if i really loved her. And she still loved me so madly. She doesnt show it tho. Basically i heard it from her aunt. Who is close to me. Her aunt mention she took permission from her mother to live seperately from them. To live with me. But i cant assume so much from just one person. She says she has new bf but her stories are inconsistent. Her friends make fun of her when im around as if it were easy to forgive me. They persuade me now to try harder. And change. Her aunt says its a fake. Okay well maybe im putting my cards too much on her aunt. But she has too many info i cant simply ignore. It feels like she isnt faking it. But my ex sure does faking pretty well. What should i do. This is totally messed up. Like “I love you but not now” or “I love you but you have to suffer first”. Help guys help.
If I may ask, where/what culture do you stem from? Sorry if it’s rude to ask I know there are culture differences that are foreign ideas to me. I’m from the US and frankly, we are loud assholes.
She wants and misses you if she is having her friends talk crap on her to you. Or maybe they are trying to tell you in their own way that she is doing terrible without you?
The philippines. She’s giving me a pretty bad headache. All of my friends are saying move on. I have. I have accepted it but my persistence is very annoying even for myself. She loves me but she also loves the guy now. If a emerge now from nc i’d look like a “what changed?” Ughh
Yesh that’s rough. I’m not sure what to do about the other guy exept just be cool with him. Don’t make a big deal of him and you’ll look like the bigger guy and like she’s not bothering you. It will make her take another look at you.
How have you been?!! It’s been many years since we last messaged on here. Idk if you’ll ever read this but just thought I’d check in. I was just thinking about this forum.