I broke NC again

I broke it just to send her this message. I needed to leave an impression that I wasn’t needy.

“Hey, I just wanted to tell you. I agree with the break up. You were right, both of us have a lot of maturing to do, we’re not right for each other at the moment. I regret my actions and will do my best to be the best I can be on my own terms. I’m enjoying what I’m discovering about myself lately, and I’m fully committed in continuing my progress. So I wish you the best of luck, and take care. -Jonathan”

She never responded

Was it a bad idea for me to do this? Read my previous thread and tell me what you think?

Hi Jonathan.

From personal experience my best advice I can give you is that never break NC.

In your case…unless she gets in touch with you. If she loves you she will contact you.

Thanks @martin
But she won’t, she didn’t even respond to this message.

She is still angry with the break up, the more you message her the further you will push her away. Let her come to you…it is a lesson I learnt the hard way.

I was with the girl of my dreams but I fucked up by doing what guys do.

Let her go, if she wants to see other people let her. In the mean time improve yourself and start now. Make your self physically and mentally attractive. So when she sees you next she must feel, “fuck, you are awesome.”

Yes. I’m not going to message her anymore I’m going full NC. I’ll be NC until I get my issues together. Maybe sometime around May or June I’ll text her, but I’m not putting a timetable on it, I’m going to be patient with myself.

Hey @mycat22

I’m going through the same exact situation as you. I did NC after 2 weeks broke it today and basically everything you did is what I did. The difference between me and you is that I havE A 2 YEAR old daughter with my ex and she is already talking to someone who is 32 years old and she said if things work out she will end up marrying him! She just met him 2 weeks ago btw and me and my ex dated for 3 full years known her for 4 years. (I’m 22 and my ex is only 18).

And you know what makes it even harder, she told me that even if she missed me like crazy and wanted me back she wouldn’t tell me! I would have to find that out on my own and that alone will be hard with the shield she has up.

I’m like you @mrcat22 … looks like its time for some REAL NC and not just a couple weeks.

@mrcat22 if you don’t mind I would love to stay in contact when it comes to updates on how you are doing. Your situation is just like mine and it will help alot just knowing how your doing and how long you stay in NC. This site is all I really have to talk to anyone about my situation and hear others stories


@teamjordan12 thank you for the response!
I’m sorry for what you’re going through, I can’t imagine if there were kids involved in my own situation, you’re really strong. In my mind I have already lost hope in all this. Only thing I have to do now is stop stalking her on social media, and begin the recovery process. NC is going to be hard for the next couple of months, but that’s my goal and i’m sticking to it (I swear).
I would like to know how your situation unfolds as well. We really are going through the same ordeal, I hope we come out of this alive. :smiley:


Yeah its tough and I will def. update on this thread and see how you’re doing. We both are basically starting NC at the same time so I guess only time will tell who knows how things will be months from now especially if we really try to move on and take NC serious

The last thing I said was that I miss her alot and if in the future she ever wants to talk about things then she can call. She replied saying ok. So now only thing we will communicate about is our daughter and I guess we will see how things turn out.

I’ve tried EVERYTHING to get her back for months now, NC is my only choice.

This is my 1st day of NC and yeah it is sooooo hard not to contact who I thought was the man of my dreams. I never thought he would refuse to call me after a misunderstanding so we could talk it out…that’s a childish way to fix a problem .Its rotten of him to treat me this way… and what sucks the most is that I still have the nerve to miss him. I wonder if he texted me today. Lucky me I confined him to a phone I barely use and I’m going to leave it at my moms house until I am happy then I will check the messages. Maybe u should change your number because its agonizing. For someone to not call u and u know they have your number or find a free blocking app