I have MANY reasons to believe my ex is indifferent. I believe he chose to be this way, mainly because he HAS NOT tried contacting me himself since after we saw each other physically a few days ago, and sometime DURING. He seemed to have little interest in getting back with me; he picked me up from my college, he we very briefly aboutbwhat we are–which concluded to he’ll “think” about what we are, but since I’ve never heard from him. He said he was not a good boyfriend and that he fucked up because he had started another thing with another girl (he claims it was just talking, and I pretty much believe him) and I guess she had bought a jacket for him that he’d lied to my face about when questioning where It’d come from. I know she is most likely bjust a tempprary rebound (we’ve only been broken up 18 days and he started talking to her Halloween night). He aalso just moved to Vegas, three hours from me, so I doubt he keeps in touch with her often.
Reasons I feel he is indifferent:
He did not tell me he moved 3 hours away. At all.
He does not try contacting me first.
He showed very little interwst in me last time we saw each other and never contacted me back about what he wanted us to be.
He has not said he loves me first in two weeks, held my hand, nothing.
Do you really want to be with someone who doesnt want to be with you?
you need to remember your self worth. dont hold on to something that doesnt want to be held onto. There is someone out there who is waiting for a girl like you, praying for a girl like you, and would treat you like a queen if he only had the chance.
let go of what didnt work out and make way for amazing things to happen to you.
when you can let go… the people who are meant to be in your life will come to you. But when youre holding onto people or things that arent meant to be in your life… the people that are supposed to be with you arent getting that chance.
I appreciate your advice, but I AM here to get my ex back, hahah. I do know how to pull him from distance and indifference (Relationship Rewind), but the problem is really deciding if he is simply distancing himself from me or if he is truly indifferent. I know how to reverse these effects, I just need help distinguishing between the two.
I do appreciate the “move on already” advice, but I’ve heard it from absolutely EVERYONE and I don’t want to hear it anymore. I am not going to give up until I known for sure he does not love me anymore (which I’m sure he still does after just 3 weeks or so of a fresh breakup when we were together almost 3 years). I know he bis as hurt as I am from the break up, and I accept that we are broken up–what we had in the past is GONE. Reading through Relationship Rewind (mind you, I paid a good amount of money for this program after days and days of research) and I have been lead to believe we can fix the damage of the past and restart.
I know he is the man for me. If I simply let everyone slip through my fingers, I’d never settle down with anyone. You learn to constantly love someone. I am not about to throw away 3 years of amazing happiness and bliss because the majority says its what I have to do, that “he is not the one” and “I need to move on.” I will not walk away without trying.
Thank you, but your response was not relevant to what I asked for.