How to reconnect after no contact when blocked?


Me and my 5 year partner split up a couple of weeks ago we have had little contact since, she will ring me when she gets drunk and i rung her once and since i have told her to stop as i need time to heal. She has blocked me on all social media, how do i know when she has healed and when to reach out and how should i do it? A hand written elephant in the room letter? Since we split up ive been up and down but am starting to feel myself again so obviously i need a few more weeks but how do i know when she has healed and is at the stage of missing me?

Additionally i figured out why she has broken it off she can only think about the bad stuff thats happened and doesnt see any good left because we been together a long time, i obviously need to let her heal so she can remember all the good stuff but how do i know when she has healed and when i can try reach out again?

My ex blocked me on everything too. Then suddenly she unblocked me on everything. Don’t worry about that. That is just her trying to control the situation, unless you were bombarding her with messages. If that is the case, knock it off. Stay no contact completely. Don’t even send little feeler messages. She will likely start to worry that you moved on and reach out to you. When she does, keep your emotions under control and keep the conversation casual.

Additionally, you are right. All she can think about is the bad stuff. That is why people break up. Any contact with her is only goung to reinforce her position that she made the right decision. Go no contact, do things you enjoy. Give her time to get over her hurt and anger. Then the good things will start to come back to her thoughts. Then she will start to miss you and she might reach out to you. In fact she most likely will. That is human nature not speculation. A five year relationship is not something people just walk away from with no doubts. Unless there was abuse or cheating involved. Give her all the space you can. Do not reach out to her. I am very confident that she will contact you within a few months in not a few weeks. But don’t sit around waiting for her. Live your life and try to be happy. Give her something attractive to return to.

Ok thankyou so much for your reply means a lot and no i havnt bombared her with messages

Unique situation here everyone. Hoping to get some feedback relatively soon. I broke up with my ex about a month ago, we were dating for 4.5 years. Long story short I realized what s huge mistake I made and want her back in my life. We haven’t spoken since the 11th of April, she has blocked me literally everywhere, phone included. She is now seeing the guy that she dated for a year before we dated, they’ve been together for a few days. My questions are this. The only thing I can really do is a hand written letter, and only really have one opportunity to do it being that I still know her school schedule. I’m not in school anymore, Finals are next week and I was going to leave a note and a rose(always used to leave roses) on her car. It will have been roughly 3 weeks since no contact at that point. Is it a bad idea to write a good note and leave it there, or should I just wait for her to contact me. It’s that, or send a letter to her father about what her new bfs IG account says about “putting s baby in that bitch”. Either way any advice is appreciated. I’m thinking the latter is not the best approach. But since she has blocked me on everything it would be hard for her to know it was me, especially if the letter is addressed to him and he just asks to see the IG. Let me know thanks!