How should I handle the first text after no contact?

My boyfriend ended things with me on July 10th. He said he wasn’t sure he could handle a serious relationship. We’re both mid 40s and divorced. He’s actually been divorced twice. He said he was afraid of failing again and hurting me. We were totally in love with each other and things had been going really well. This came completely out of nowhere. He was distraught and just not himself. He also called me the day after and told me he was deactivating FB for awhile because he was having a hard time looking at other people’s happy posts while he was feeling this way. He’s still deactivated.

We actually decided to take a break for a few weeks instead of totally breaking up. But he never contacted me during that time. I decided to reach out yesterday and used a “good memory association” type of text. Just something funny we share as an inside joke. I sent the text around 6:00 last night but he didn’t reply until 8:00 this morning. He said he was “doing ok and hanging in there and hoped I was doing well”. He did not acknowledge the joke at all but did say he hoped my daughter’s move to college went smoothly and knew how much we must miss her.

Should I even reply to this? My friends think I should ignore him and make him reach out to me.

@KB1996 Were there any issues/problems during the relationship and how long was this relationship?

He only sent a casual reply to your message. I agree with your friends in that you reached out so now let him be the one to initiate the next message. Not contacting him will give him a chance to think logically about the situation.

Breakups don’t come out of nowhere. The dumper has been thinking about it for a while before saying it out loud.