How do you reach out when he is in a rebound relationship?

Settle in, this story is a little eh. My name is Alex and my ex boyfriend will be referred to as B.

Now, I’m gonna give the timeline of the things before the relationship began. In August 2016, we met when we had class together. We had gone through a couple of years in middle school so while we weren’t friends, we still somewhat knew each other and had mutual friends. In December of 2016, after bonding and all, he confessed. I rejected him because I wasn’t ready at the time. In January 2017, he dated a girl named S. She was a rebound relationship. We quit talking and restored our relationship around March, and we ultimately dated in April of 2017.

Ever since then, we dated for a year and eught months. It was wonderful, there were no fights, we had made many memories. We went to the same college, we had similar friends. Then December of 2018 came. Now, I have an ED. Yeah, ut sucks. But seeing my weight go up caused me a lot of depression and problems. My ex was dealing with heart failure and his father had been sent to jail. We both had issues, such as my parents cutting me off and all. In the end, we argued over petty stuff and he broke it off, saying he just fell out of love one day. And it made sense. I forgave my ex and myself ever since.

I’m going to be honest. I begged B. I spammed B’s phone. I cried to B. B hated me. B didn’t want me. But yet I would wake to B texting me “I’m sorry.” in the middle of the night. B would say he’s guilty. B said he loved me. Then I read of the NC rule and gave in, saying it was time. I said sorry on the 26th and after he accepted it, it began.

I blocked him on snapchat. I deleted his number. The day NC began- December 27, the day I was on the verge of blocking him and his message popped up, asking for my number because he had deleted it. I didn’t reply. I removef hid photos to a locker app for ‘when’ we get back together. I threw away his gifts. I nearly caved in on day five after crying for a week. I was a wreck, a whole mess. I felt so sad and heartbroken. I had been kicked out of my home by my parents and as a young adult I had no where to go. My ex, even if we broken up st the time, offered me a place. Instead I stayed with a friend.

Then it got better. I realized I was gonna be happy and that was it. I got up, I talked to my parents about money and all and we settled. I forced myself into taking college more seriously. I began to work out again. I dyed my hair the shade I always wanted. I did my makeup to make myself feel better. I got into a writing mentorship. As a follower of the LoA, I began to work on myself. And then I fell in love with myself. I realized I could live on my own. And I am so so happy.

On January 1st, B texted me. “Happy new years.” on instagram. I ignore. He messages me on tumblr. I ignore. He sends me some on discord. I ignore. And then he EMAILS me. I ignore.

I get a second text on Instagram the next day. “I heard you’re doing a lot better and I’m happy, though I wish you could have told me.” On the 3rd, he sent me another message. “I texted everything else cuz I didn’t have your #.” and finally. “Did I do sum?” I didn’t open those messages until this week by accident.

So when I’m on my second week of NC, January 8th ish, I go back to college. I am confident and happy and all. Then I find out on the 11th that he was dating another girl. Now, this girl is the complete opposite of me and is really more like him, which sucks and send me into a panic. He blocks me on Instagram, then unblocks. Suddenly, he makes a second account that follows me and he blocks me on his main. He writes her name on his bio and all. I’m hurt, honestly. But he didn’t a reaction out of me, because I knew it meant he was hurting and trying to replace me. After all, he made a point by walking to the vending machine where I get my breakfast everyday with her in tow. I mean, yeah, he’s trying to get me jealous or something.

So on friday, I missed class because of a doctor’s appointment . This class is boring and all and so my friend facetimes me to tell me what I’m missing. In the background, I see him. B looks over the phone and like, literalky keeps looking. We made eye contact so many times. I felt so weird and ugh. This was the day he blocked me. Before that, he texted me. I didn’t budge. On Saturday, he logged onto tumblr to unfollow me. So yeah.

Now honestly, I’m on day 18. I feel much better and while I get sad randomly, I know how to cope. I’m in love with myself. But while I already followed the “what to do after NC” guide, I’m scared to even contact him. He gives me mixed signals. I know that falling out of love in one day isn’t realistic and that there is no way he loves her more than he loves me, etc, but I could really use someone else’s perspective. How should I handle this?

Thank you so much guys <3

Stay no contact, mainly because he’s with someone else. Write a note after the no contact ends and take it from there…