Hello boards…
I recently split-up with my ex of 3 years and she already has a new boyfriend and is posting explicit photos of her on social media of them.: stating she had the best intercourse of her life( I love her dearly and see the mistakes I made such as making promises and breaking them over and over again. not having integrity and doing what I say and mean what I say. but I did not realize how depressed I was until I was told recently by the doctors. I think that could have had a lot to do with our communication issues. in the beginning of the relationship she was amazing to me and I was damaged and not ready for a relationship when I thought I was… I would withhold affection, not communicate ,we would fight almost everyday, I was kicked out various times and we got back together over and over again… but never took time apart like this. I think before when I kept coming back I did not give her time to heal and was just reopening scars since we lived together for over 2 years… I was not able to work and help with the bills like I wanted to cause of a bad shoulder. She said it was excuses and I would, make little lies so I would not fight with her but it did the opposite. I would break promises and say I would change but never did… now I have changed.
I am doing better now and got the professional help I was needing and now I am back to work and working on getting my own place. and practicing integrity and doing what I say and meaning it. I don’t understand, I am confused I sent her a letter of apology back a month ago it was during no contact I did not contact her just wrote a letter and dropped off a few gifts that reminded me of her. (no pity or desperate talk) genuine apology stating I am starting to see differently . and I would like to hear from her in due time but if that is to much to ask I understand.
I did not get any reply from her it’s been almost 3 months now. it’s driving me insane I miss my friend and my girlfriend. I did not realize what I had until it was gone. she is now with a guy who was trying to have (intercourse) with her while we were together they been together now about 2/3 weeks. my question is how could I go about getting her to see my changes and reach out or how would I go about reaching out to her?
she recently accepted my friend request on my new facebook page from a while ago. or I should say I accepted her friend request and she blocked me from that account as well as all social media… instagram,facebook, blocked my number form calling and blocked me from kik messenger. I don’t know what I done so much for her to hate me.:(…I understand the broken promises and not having ambition and drive but I got my drive back now and want to show her the attention I never gave her before.
I was told by one of her friends she is deleting all our photos off social media too…
she has a birthday coming-up should I get her a present or send a card? I am clueless what to do now… All I know I would do anything to have a chance at her love again or at least prove to her I changed and can be a great friend…