How do I get her back from an impossible situation

Key points

She liked me for 3 years before we started talking

We did the pre dating thing for almost a year (she didn’t want to be just a fling)

We dated for 18 months before being on and off for 6 months

I worship the group she walked on for the majority of our relationship

Then I began to take her for granted, we didn’t do enough just us and another guy came along (towards the end)

He showered her with affection and communicated with her better than I did (I became lazy insecure/desperate due to him, making the conversation worse) I kept chasing as I lost more and more of my dignity

She eventually left me after he spent months wiggling his way in

They’ve been dating for months (5).

She never used Facebook and now plasters photos of them all over it (someone I know described it as what a 14 year old does) I deleted her a while ago and haven’t contacted her in around two month. She deleted all of our photos but kept our relationship status, recently after I updated my job status she changed all her photos to public (now I can see them, rather than every now and then a friend telling me) (it has stopped me looking at her Facebook now though)

She is very dependant as she only has 3 friend (him, a girl who has very little relationship experience and likes him and another who is friends with me and is annoyed at her because she is spending all her time with him)

She’s attached to him

I miss her. it’s sad because men aren’t supposed to cry, but every few days I have to fight not too.

All I want is her back and I just need a little faith right now.

She told me I’m more attractive than the new guy but ‘looks aren’t everything’

I’ve sought out and am seeing a therapist and councillor, it’s making me more emotionally stable

We were each others first loves

We had very good… chemistry

He is richer and smarter than I am (sciences wise)

I’ve been forcing myself to socialise, meeting friends and generally getting out of the house, exercising etc…

I also got a job (started a week or two ago) so that I can afford to do things with her and get the tools to get to a point where I can do things with her

After her friend bumped into me and I put my new job on Facebook, she changed her photos with him to ‘public’ (even the old ones, why I deleted her) (to reiterate)

I’ve done about 2 months no contact

I’d like to write the perfect letter or text messages, I’ve also looks at text your ex back (the one is RR seems like it’ll be inaffective). I would appreciate any advice but I’d prefer it if people would refrain from blatant negatives as it can be painful. Thank to everyone and anyone who replies

I keep trying to convince myself of things like (to me it feels that the sudden change in activity and requirement to share every little detail that they relationship carries less substance) or that she’d be happier with me, or that she is thinking of me, I’m doing a lot of what ifs and would like to actually do something to move this in a positive direction, adjacent to me moving forward with life (I.e doing things, job, university etc)

Thank you to who ever tries to help me

Sounds like my last relationship. First thing I did was get a new job. I increased my gym activity to “excessive” level (It’s not like I wasn’t working out before, I just devoted much more time and effort into it post-relationship). I started going out and being social within 2 weeks of the actual breakup (I admit, I was a complete wreck for the first few days). In a sense, I did these things for all of the wrong reasons (I wanted to improve everything all at once, and win my ex back quickly), but eventually I realized that I should be doing those things for me; I already had the good habits, I just needed a mentality change.

Cry all you need to; someone very important to you has exited your life, I can’t think of a more genuine reason to cry. Time makes it better. For now you need to become content with the idea that you might never actually get her back, but you haven’t locked the door and thrown away the key. You’re not going to GET her back with the way things are now. Some people know what they want, and always appreciate a good person when they have them. Others, (to no fault of their own) are inherently fickle and WILL NEED that opportunity to explore before they’re willing to settle down with somebody. Since you said you were first lovers, the “lack of exploration” might have always been eliciting questions in the back of her mind like “If I’ve only experienced a relationship with him, how do I REALLY know if he’s the one?”

Two months no contact is a good start, but you need to stop carrying the weight that is the hope that you’ll be back together any time in the near future. Give her a chance to get out there and explore to her heart’s content (And try to look the other way, because keeping tabs on her and her new relationships is a surefire way to hinder the healing process). Maturity doesn’t come over a few months; it can take years. One day, you could possibly end up in each others’ lives again, and your relationship would be all the better because of this. However, you need to stop thinking of this as the light at the end of the tunnel, and move it over to the “back burner” of your mind while you heal.

I know that I have no control over their relationship, nor the future, but surely there is something I can do to help my situation. I’m moving forward in all directions in my life, we are about to go off to uni and we have the same first choice (different to his), surely there is a way I can improve my situation, even to make her miss me a little more or have greater positive thoughts about me? I’m not placing all my chips on one number, but there has to be a positive progressive step I can take. Thank you for replying, it’s nice to know I’m not the only person to experience something like this. Just need that first step after NC :L

You need to stop and evaluate all of those negatives she seen in you, if you guys didn’t do enough together show her that you like to go out and do things. If she thought you were a closed book work on your communication.

If your relationship was important to her when she sees these changes she will start to like them and obviously she liked and was attracted to you so it will help with her wanting you again. When a partner doesn’t like things they get unhappy and if they are unhappy they will start talking to someone that makes them happy so show her you can be that person that makes her happy.

Thank you for replying, it made me feel a lot better, I’m trying to show her, the job (he lives of money from his parents) , the holiday, the parties, running a company in the side. Just don’t know how else to show her :L the Facebook stuff I’m over analysing, in my head the only logical reason for her to do what she did was to show the world how happy she is and the lack of response from me made her escalate it :L but again over analysing :L just not sure what to have as a first step still. Thank you, made me feel a lot better

Stop over analyzing things, we do that in hard times. I broke up with a girl and looked at her FB page and she had a picture of her and her new guy and all these pictures of them doing stuff together and it hurt. I stopped looking and I was much better then, as it turned out she contacted me and basically told me she wasn’t happy and they had a bad relationship. So just because on social media everything looks good that many times isn’t the case.

Thank you, you’ve made me feel a lot better, I’ve completely (almost) cut back, maybe once or twice a day tops (which is a lot less than I used too) by the end of next week I’m aiming for every other day. So what should I do now? Just wait it out or shall I send her a message or something. Tomorrow we get our exam results, I was wondering if I should wish her luck or just remain in no contact? Thank you again

If you guys have been in contact you should wait for her to message you right now. She has another guy in her life and if you go initiating all the conversations you will look needy and it will make him look even better. She needs to miss and wonder about you, you guys don’t have to stop talking but when your ex has another man I think you should do the “fake friendship”, act like you want to be friends but it is really to show her you have changed but don’t be the one always coming to her or it will look like you are just trying to get her back. She needs to see that you are fine on your own.

My ex I didn’t talk to her for 4 months and next time she talked to me I told her I didn’t need her to be happy my life was great and I was having a blast, her life was not so great and she told me she missed me and asked me to see her. If they broke up with you it was for a reason and they need to see that reason is gone but you can’t make them see it, they have to see it for themselves.

I haven’t contacted her for 2 months, we spoke a bit a month ago, had a few nice chats, then one where she was less engaged (I picked a crap topic) and then the last she didn’t reply because she was with him,I thought she just had enough but I bumped into her with him :L should I just leave it even longer? I’m worried she will never contact me, I went on holiday with her friend, got a job and improved all my hobbies, I don’t know how else to show her :L

If she is with another guy then you have to show her that you are a different person and wait for her to see it and if she does she will come back to you. If a woman is in a relationship with another guy then she has to want something else more or that relationship has to make her unhappy, that is really the only ways to get her away from him and possibly back to you.

4912 : Its Ok,i know how it feels I have been into this situation from last one year but the difference my ex doesn’t have b/f or guy yet.

I agree with @ rbear he gave you very genuine advice.Things are tough but it is not the end of world.

It is been one year I have not moved on,but I made lot of changes in myself.As kevin said we definitely did something wrong that the other person left us and trust me I can feel your pain.

Time will heal your pain,but the truth is which will hurt is that you the chances are 10 % of her coming back than 90 % of not.

I am living in 10 % from last one year and I know eventually I will come out of it and move on permanently.

The hurt also gets less if you find another partner or girl friend which you like and feel she is the right partner.

Good luck my friend,you will be ok,take deep breath we are with you.


I also want to add that have HER contact you,never do the mistake of you contacting her or showing that you are needy and your life is not moving forward without her,trust me I did this a lot and all my chances of her coming back was gone,girls like confident and happy guys,no one want to deal with your problems esp when they have a lot of there own.

So NO CALL NO MESSAGE NO EMAIL have her contact you very simple and when she does be happy and confident and talk very limited.

I haven’t spoken to her in 2 months, I have made massive changes in my life and am trying to be an all round happier person. I was tempted to send a magic letter like in relationship rewind, but worried it won’t work. Her new relationship is very odd, their constant desire to spread everything on Facebook is worring, in the 6 years I’ve known her she was very inactive on Facebook, this combined with her making the photos of him public (she changed the settings a few months after I deleted her), it’s very confusing, I know that 10% sounds low, but honestly whenever I’ve been confident she has been much more attracted to me. My biggest problem is that she has become dependant upon him, she has 2 friends. I am not going to wait around forever as that’ll just be torture, but I want to take a step other than no contact to improve my situation, even if it’s just building attraction and making her regret her decision :L

Thank you for all your support, I’m glad that there are people out there who have experienced similar and have an understanding of how to deal with this situation

I know the feeling you have/had myself too me and my ex gf brokeup after 3 years relationship and she wanted to be friends after breakup and after sometime i started act needy because i still had feelings for her and felt she was only one for me so i acted desperately towards her what pushed her more and more away…so after some time i cut all the contact myself and started live on my own life what took some time but i got over it and started think her less and less everyday…so mate you can get over it too it just takes time…

But life is full on surprises because after 7 months total NC and living my own life my ex gf contacted me via email and she sayed she was thinking me for a while before contacting me, we have now talked few times on steam,and text app and she has comed to my place few times allready and leave when she gets tired.

So enjoy your life and think positively and world is your :slight_smile:

Moving forward with my life in every direction except her. We are both going to the same uni now, but I don’t know what to do about her. It’s been 2 and a bit months no contacts and I want to do something, just a letter or something to make her start thinking and maybe wanting me again :L