My girlfriend of 6 months broke up with me after our first fight, we had both had a few drinks and i ended up checking a message she had received on her phone, my intentions were innocent enough in my mind but she didn’t see it like that, long story short I tried to get her to talk and wanted to apologize but she ended up organizing a friend of hers to pick her up from my place, I got angry and said something hurtful to her, felt instantly ashamed and then rushed her out, I let her be for a day then after trying to call her I texted my apology which I feel came across as sincerely as I meant it, later that day she texted me that she couldn’t get over the betrayel and that we were done, the text was scathing and attacked me quite personally so the anger was still fresh…I didn’t bite back, instead I agreed with her and expressed my remorse for my actions…I think it was more about the way I acted afterwards that hurt her the most, she then went on to question the how and why of my actions and reactions for a while to which I replied as best I could…I haven’t begged or pleaded I’ve simply told her how how much she means to me and that my hurtful comments were totally undeserved and that I understand and respect her decision to end things…what can I do from here? I’m really not ready to let this girl go…there has been no contact since the breakup albeit only a few days ago, and we have remained Facebook friends if that means anything
Invading her privacy by checking her message and then being disrespectful by saying something hurtful are both very serious issues! Drinking too much causes problems too. You say you’re not ready to let her go, but actually you have no say in the matter. You can’t talk your way back. If she wants to give you another chance, that’s totally up to her. Facebook friends doesn’t mean much, but I suggest you don’t contact her there or anywhere for at least a month or two. More time would give her a chance to think things through and possibly change her mind, but don’t count on it. Try very hard to make positive changes in how you relate to people! The invasion of privacy is related to jealousy and women hate that. Saying mean things in response to being upset is another area you need to work on. If you drink too much too often, get help for it. AA is a good organization. Six months is a short relationship and should have been wonderful, not full of problems. Good luck.