he's asking why i unfriended him, is that a good thing?

Hi! I’m back, i made a thread a few weeks back freaking out why the ex blocked me on fb after i unfriended him, then about 2 weeks later i saw i was unblocked…now its a complexly different story.

So i was seeing this dude for almost 2 months, never put and official label on the relationship. I’ve done NC for a month and then texted him about a week ago, now he texts me out of the blue asking why i unfriended him which was about 2 months ago. Obviously i did it so i could get over him asap, but how exactly do i explain that to him without making it into a big deal, or how do i play it cool and friendly?

also do yo think its a good indicator that he’s asking why? Thanks in advance guys

yes,I think its a good thing but don’t overanalyze his words etc.
You can tell him that you thought it wasn’t a good time for you two to be friends cuz you thought both of you needed some time and space.

Ok so i replied cool and calmly and now he’s assuming i did it because i was dating someone else? wtf? what do i do

Tell him that its not what he thinks and don’t try to explain anything.You two weren’t together and you had all the rights in the world to see someone else.

^ thank you, you’re very right i didnt even think of that!

You’re welcome.

Same thing happened to me I unfollowed him on every social network because like 3 days after we broke up he dressed up as ken and Barbie with some other girl and posted a picture of it and it broke my heart so I unfollowed him and sent me like 12 texts drunk one night asking me why I did it and then he did it again when he was sober too so it means he’s thinking about you and is probably starting to miss you, all you can do is respond calmly that you need space until you’re ready to re add him but don’t re add him until you’re confident with yourself